Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand

Helping to ensure your older patients are safer at home

The independence of older adults is facilitated by living in their own homes which enables greater autonomy and closer connections with their family, friends, and community. Living at home for as long as possible is highly valued by older adults1, and is consistent with social policy that older adults should ‘age in place’ including those … Continue reading "Helping to ensure your older patients are safer at home"

Tough new government health targets could backfire, warn nurses

Emergency nurses fear tough new targets for emergency departments (EDs) will put already-stretched staff under more pressure, risking "gaming" of wait time data.

Faster, fairer pathways for overseas nurses into New Zealand, says Nursing Council

Concerns have been raised that newly streamlined pathways for internationally-qualified nurses (IQNs) into Aotearoa, New Zealand skip too lightly over cultural and clinical preparedness.

‘If we don’t provide the voice of nursing, who will?’ Under-pressure nurses are determined to be heard

Members of NZNO's professional colleges and sections were called on to "shape the issues" facing health, at an energetic college and section day in Te Whanganui-a-tara, Wellington, this week.

When words fail: Why hasn’t anyone listened to nurses?

Collective union action is the only way nurses will achieve safe staffing after years of being ignored, former director of the Safe Staffing Health Workplaces unit (SSHWU) Jane Lawless says.

Te Aka Whai Ora is gone — but the aims of Māori nurses stay true

Amid the ashes of Te Aka Whai Ora, Māori nurses will still be chasing better pay, safer staffing and culturally safe workplaces.

Nurse practitioner trainee numbers soar with 50 per cent funding boost

Rising confidence amid more supportive pathways are behind a leap in nurses training to become mātanga tapuhi (nurse practitioners) this year, leaders say.

South Island nurse prescriber programme going strong as it nears 100 graduates

Te Waipounamu (South Island)'s first community nurse prescriber programme is celebrating two years and 52 graduates -- and there are no signs of it slowing down, its clinical education lead Nicky Burwood says.

Measure RNs against six pou — not 41 competencies, say nurses

As consultation on new nursing competencies closes, nurses are embracing moves towards a culturally safer workforce — but say they should be measured against a handful of pou (domains) instead of dozens of new competencies:

What can Pākeha do? Anti-racism event offers chance to ‘stand up, fight back’

A Te Tiriti o Waitangi-focused event in March will help nurses and kaiāwhina become more culturally and politically competent at an 'alarming' time, say organisers and NZNO's kaiwhakahaere.

Shane Reti says end goal is a NZ-trained culturally competent nursing workforce

More cash support for nursing students struggling with high dropout rates is "not off the table", says Minister of Health Shane Reti.

A bit of aroha — and coffee — goes a long way for Waikato and Auckland nurses

Hundreds of Waikato and Auckland nurses have been treated with free coffee and groceries in recent years, courtesy of community-minded publisher Chris Biddulph.

Nurses concerned over leap in competencies proposed by Nursing Council

The Nursing Council of New Zealand says it is listening, after a "strong" response from nearly 2300 nurses to its proposed new competencies for both enrolled nurses (ENs) and registered nurses (RNs).

Nurses and kaiāwhina show up to a Waitangi event ‘like no other’

Rhetoric from leaders of a three-headed coalition Government "taniwha" at Waitangi this year reflected ignorance and "diminished" Māori, says Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa kaiwhakahere Kerri Nuku.

What is a systematic review, and how is it useful for nurses?

All nurses know that our practice should be linked to evidence, but even the idea of reading and assessing a piece of research can be overwhelming.

Cutting through the noise: Why whānau-centred midwifery is not erasing women

Proposed changes to a document that regulates midwifery practice in Aotearoa have caught the eye of some trans-exclusionary groups. A group of midwifery academics explains why the revisions should be celebrated.

Hepatitis C targeted for global eradication

A short course of oral antivirals can cure hepatitis C, but the challenge lies in overcoming stigma and identifying those with chronic infection, as they may be asymptomatic for many years. Nurse prescribers and specialists, and those in primary care generally, have a role to play in identifying hepatitis C patients and ensuring they get … Continue reading "Hepatitis C targeted for global eradication"

It’s cool to kōrero — March 2024

Upoko: head

Innovative Marlborough practice, Manu Ora, proud to be recognised in business awards

Staff at Manu Ora, a small innovative Blenheim primary health care practice, were thrilled to receive three awards at the recent Marlborough Chamber of Commerce business awards.

It’s cool to kōrero — February 2024

Waewae -- feet.

Please send letters for publication to: [email protected]. We reserve the right to edit letters for sense and length, and will not publish letters that are libellous, incite racial, sexual or religious hatred or constitute personal attacks. Shorter letters (under 400 words) are preferred. Please include name, address, nursing qualifications and phone number.

Bullying in the nursing profession: Can mentoring ameliorate the ill effects?

Bullying can have a devastating effect on nurses, and some even leave their jobs because of it. This research study asks if mentoring can ease the problem.

MARCH 2024 crossword

Instructions: Click on any cell to get started. Click on vertical / horizontal lines to change direction, or direction can be changed by clicking on Space / Enter key. Across and Down Clues can be toggle visible by clicking on the down / up arrows.

Stomal nurses conference brings patients, nurses and doctors together

A recent conference brought together both stomal therapy nurses and those who have experienced ostomies – abdominal surgery to allow bodily waste to exit when a disease of the digestive or urinary system is present.

FEBRUARY 2024 crossword

Print out the grid (using PRINT tab at the bottom right of this page) and use the clues below. January answers are below the clues.

Nurses Memorial Fund is there to help

In these difficult economic times, and with another wave of COVID-19, many people are experiencing financial hardship alongside the usual life events.

Survey: How are we are doing in health & safety in New Zealand?

Safeguard magazine's annual State of the Nation survey is open and we invite you to take part.

‘Innovative’ nurse-pharmacist partnership can help with declining childhood immunisation rates

I write as a registered nurse (RN) and immunisation coordinator, deeply concerned about the declining childhood immunisation rates in Aotearoa.

Registered nurses considering post-graduate study sought

Are you a registered nurse (RN) and thinking of doing postgraduate study in health sciences?

Survey on key issues facing health-care workers

Kantar, a global research and insights consultancy, is conducting a survey on behalf of our client, UP Education, to better understand the key issues facing health-care workers and the role of education in solving some of these issues.