Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand

Like many other grandparents and parents, Bob Rolleston travelled hundreds of kilometers across the country early this morning to give his mokopuna granddaughter to Whitireia’s Bachelor of Nursing Māori. He has worked in what he calls the
Nurses are being forced to walk from their jobs in the community, where they are desperately needed, to other spaces where there is a health crisis or even further, to foreign lands.
A Christchurch family say they have been unable to get the specialist inpatient care they desperately need after their adult anorexic daughter Emma Gallagher severely relapsed last year.

Oceania Healthcare: Company books in good shape, but workers face more struggles

New Zealand's largest rest-home owner Oceania Healthcare boasts in its latest financial report upward arrows on all key economic outputs from total comprehensive income to operating cashflow to assets. Every output has a good story for its board of directors and shareholders. But...

Grandfather excited at Whitireia growing the next wave of ‘warrior nurses’

Like many other grandparents and parents, Bob Rolleston travelled hundreds of kilometres across the country early this morning to give his mokopuna granddaughter to Whitireia’s bachelor of nursing Māori. He has worked in what he calls the "broken health system" but today he got more hope after seeing the huge interest by his moko and … Continue reading "Grandfather excited at Whitireia growing the next wave of ‘warrior nurses’"

Doctors and nurses touched by karakia in 12-hour surgery

More and more Māori families are taking their cultural and spiritual practices into hospitals as a way to calm the nerves of their relatives going into surgery.

‘Unappreciated and underpaid’ primary health nurses speak out

As a third of general practices close their doors to new patients, frontline nurses put out a desperate plea for more funding.

Poor pay forcing nurses to hīkoi from one crisis to another

Nurses are being forced to walk from their jobs in the community, where they are desperately needed, to other spaces where there is a health crisis or even further, to foreign lands.

Protests erupt after ‘shell’ Dunedin Hospital announcement by new health minister

New Minister of Health Simeon Brown was blocked by protestors in Dunedin after announcing that a scaled-back hospital new build would go ahead.

Impromptu picket at Auckland retirement home over proposed roster changes

About 20 nursing and carer staff at Oceania's Lady Allum Retirement Village in Auckland's leafy Milford suburb carried out an impromptu picket yesterday, after a proposed restructure.

Nurse leaders take ‘wait and see’ approach to new health minister

NZNO leaders say they will wait and see how new Minister of Health Simeon Brown responds to nurses' concerns -- but hope he will "listen to the people".

‘It plays with lives, especially Māori lives’ – NZNO

The Treaty of Waitangi and its principles are the solution to fixing the broken foundation of the country’s health system, Parliament’s Justice Select Committee has heard.

Round-the-clock security needed in EDs, say emergency nurses

Eleven days after a nurse was choked to unconsciousness, NZNO's emergency nurses say 24/7 security is needed in all emergency departments (EDs).

Community mental health nurses consider stab-proof vests after knife attack

Community mental health nurses are considering stab-proof vests and personal alarms as part of a "suite of options", after a nurse was stabbed while on an acute after-hours mental health callout in Rotorua recently.

‘Pay parity or pay equity or equal pay. I am confused! ‘

What's the difference between these three pay processes? An experienced NZNO delegate explains.

A multidisciplinary approach to nurse lecturing is needed in New Zealand

Nurse educators need to be recruited from a broader range of expertise, a nurse lecturer argues.

‘I’m gonna rip your head from your body’ — ED nurse tells of constant aggression

'If you spent a day with me in ED, you'd never come back.' In the wake of a nurse strangulation attempt, a senior emergency nurse says staff are exposed to abuse and aggression most days.

‘We are potentially watching our daughter die’ — Christchurch nurse aide’s plea for help

A Christchurch family say they have been unable to get the specialist inpatient care they desperately need after their adult anorexic daughter Emma Gallagher severely relapsed last year.

Former NZ mental health nurse finds peace working at holistic Swedish hospice

Former mental health nurse Annelie Gannaway explains why the hospice she works in is not a sad place.

Cathy Andrew — a passionate advocate for regional education

Helping establish graduate-entry and advanced nursing practice courses have been highlights of Cathy Andrew's role as executive dean of the University of Canterbury's faculty of health.

Enrolled nurses finally recognised as skilled independent practitioners

Enrolled nurse section (ENS) chair Michelle Prattley explains why enrolled nurses will have more freedom to practise their nursing skills from January 20.

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Please send letters for publication to: [email protected]. We reserve the right to edit letters for sense and length, and will not publish letters that are libellous, incite racial, sexual or religious hatred or constitute personal attacks. Shorter letters (under 400 words) are preferred. Please include name, address, nursing qualifications and phone number.

Uncut – news briefs

12 Feb

Pharmac funds medicines for liver, ovarian, and neuroendocrine cancers

People with liver, ovarian, and neuroendocrine cancers will have access to more medicines from 1 March 2025.
11 Feb

Consultation begins on work to improve patient access to medical devices

Pharmac is continuing to improve the way medical devices are managed for New Zealanders, today opening consultation on its comprehensive list of medical devices used by public hospitals.
3 Feb

First Whānau Āwhina Plunket site in NZ delivering childhood vaccinations

Childhood immunisations are now being delivered at a Whānau Āwhina Plunket site in Whāngarei, with other regions soon to also provide the new service.
29 Jan

Local access to specialist audiology services comes to Wairarapa

A newly established out-patient clinic for ear, nose, and throat (ENT) and audiology appointments is providing Wairarapa patients with local access to specialist hearing services for the first time.
29 Jan

Pharmac reconsiders oestradiol patch options following community feedback

Pharmac is reviewing and reconsidering its oestradiol patch options after considerable feedback was received when it announced a move to a single funded brand late last year.
22 Jan

Consultations for cancer and ADHD medicines close soon

Pharmac is encouraging people to have their say on proposals to fund six more medicines and change the brand of one medicine before consultation closes on 27 January.
20 Dec

Health NZ introduces public reporting of key primary healthcare measures and PHO performance

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora (Health NZ) has introduced public reporting of key primary healthcare measures and Primary Health Organisation (PHO) performance.
19 Dec

Quarter 1 performance report released

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora has today published its Quarterly Performance Report for Quarter 1, covering the period 1 July to 30 September 2024.
18 Dec

Recent uptick in Boostrix immunisations amid whooping cough epidemic, but work still to do

As the healthcare sector continues to respond to a whooping cough (pertussis) epidemic across the motu, it’s promising to see a recent uptick in the number of Boostrix immunisations among the 15- to 44-year-old age group, with a recent doubling of doses administered from about 1,000 per week to over 2,000 per week.
18 Dec

Extra security to again keep EDs safe this summer

Health Minister Dr Shane Reti is again reminding New Zealanders that violence against patients, visitors and health workers won’t be tolerated, with additional security for hospital emergency departments across the country this summer.
13 Dec

Mental health and addiction targets implementation plans released

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora has today published its first quarterly results for four of the five mental health and addiction targets, covering the period 1 July – 30 September 2024.
12 Dec

Health targets encouraging – work continues

New data shows that the Government’s focus on health targets is putting the brakes on the steep decline in delivery seen over the past five years.
12 Dec

Gisborne receives mental health beds boost

Minister for Mental Health Matt Doocey today opened Gisborne Hospital’s new acute mental health unit, Te Whare Awhi Ora, and says the region will be better served by a bigger, more therapeutic acute mental health unit.
9 Dec

Afghan women ‘banned from nursing and midwife training’ in latest blow to rights

BBC News has reported that female nursing and midwifery students in Afghanistan have been told not to return to their studies, effectively ending women’s only access to further education, and putting women and children’s lives at risk.
9 Dec

How student and early career nurses can influence policymaking

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) held a webinar which highlighted the vital importance of primary and preventative health care in meeting the World Health Organization’s (WHO) challenging goal of achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030
3 Dec

Health NZ end-of-year deficit confirmed

In publishing its annual report, Health NZ has confirmed it ended the financial year with a deficit of $722 million, against a target surplus of $54 million.
2 Dec

ICN says COP29 climate finance shortfall threatens the planet’s health

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has expressed profound disappointment with the outcomes of COP29, held in Baku, particularly the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on climate finance that was passed despite significant objections from developing countries.
29 Nov

Minister reminds public health officials of priorities

Minister of Health Dr Shane Reti says the National Public Health Service should concentrate its focus on prioritising serious public health issues facing New Zealanders.
29 Nov

Community providers rally to protect hapū māma and pēpi as national whooping cough case numbers surpass 1,000 for 2024

Hapū māmā are being urged to get immunised, and parents and caregivers are encouraged to get their babies immunised on time, as whooping cough case numbers continue to climb across Aotearoa New Zealand.
28 Nov

Govt ignores health crisis, plans to axe 1500 public health roles

The health of New Zealanders will suffer because of the Government’s plan to axe nearly 1500 roles at Te Whatu Ora, coming at a time when the public health system is already under severe pressure.
27 Nov

Health New Zealand Establishes Technical Advisory Group to Lead Transformation in Maternity Care

This team of experts and community representatives will play a key role in the development of the Maternity Commissioning Framework, a core element of the wider Kahu Taurima programme, which aims to make maternity and early years services more equitable, accessible, and whānau-centered.
22 Nov

Whooping Cough epidemic declared across Aotearoa New Zealand

Health agencies have confirmed today that Aotearoa New Zealand is now in the early stages of a Whooping Cough epidemic, with a nationally coordinated response now in place.
20 Nov

A Global Map of Winter Depression

Healthnews has released an extensive study that ranks 194 countries based on their winter-pattern Seasonal Depression Disorder (SAD) risk.
18 Nov

Potential travel disruption expected with Tuesday’s national Hīkoi

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora urges those with an appointment scheduled at Wellington Regional Hospital on Tuesday morning or early afternoon, to please allow extra time to get to appointments.
15 Nov

ICN’s calls on G20 leaders to address international health worker migration crisis

Ahead of the G20 Leaders Summit in Rio de Janeiro next week, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) welcomes the Declarations recently adopted by the G20 Health Working Group and health ministers.
13 Nov

Measles case confirmed in Tāmaki Makaurau

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora has confirmed today that a new case of measles has been identified on Waiheke Island in Auckland. The case and their household are being supported by the National Public Health Service (NPHS), with those most at risk now in quarantine to help reduce the chance of further spread.
5 Nov

Safety fears ahead of changes to mental health 111 calls

Mental Health Nurses have serious concerns about the safety of their patients, the public, their colleagues and themselves when police changes to emergency 111 calls come into effect on Monday, New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa says.
