NZNO fights parking fees

December 1, 2020

NZNO member Erin Kennedy, delegate Darren Swan and organiser Jo Coffey presented a petition with nearly 1000 signatures to the Capital & Coast District Health Board (CCDHB) in December protesting car-parking fee increases for staff.

The DHB has proposed an increase in daily staff car-parking fees from $4.50 to $7.50, and higher monthly fees, after seven years.

Kennedy told the board staff already struggling to make ends meet were distressed about the proposal.

Already staff had been assaulted or threatened when walking between their car and work, and being forced to park further away would increase the danger. “Our staff work all hours of the night and day and safe, affordable parking is a necessity.”

C&CDHB Chief financial officer Rosalie Percival said feedback on the proposal including the petition, was being considered.

A “proposed solution” was likely in 2021.


Staff were able to request a security escort to their cars at night, she said.

Kennedy told Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand that she felt more “hopeful” afterwards, “as some at least clearly support staff”.