About Kaitiaki

ISSN 1173-2032 (Print)

ISSN 1179-8920 (Online)

Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand is the official journal of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa. Views expressed are not necessarily those of NZNO.

Kaitiaki, in Māori, contains meanings associated with guardianship and protection. The journal has undergone a number of name changes but, despite its official titles, it has always been referred to by the profession at large, as simply Kaitiaki.

It has been published continuously since 1908, under a variety of titles.


Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand is a peer reviewed journal. Clinical practice, education and research articles are critiqued for publication in Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand by nurses/educators/researchers with expertise in the subject area of the article, and by the co-editors. It has both an industrial and professional focus and includes articles on nursing, allied health, employment and workers rights and NZNO business and activities.