November 2020 vol 26 no 10
MECA claims underway
November 1, 2020
NZNO’s district health board multi-employer collective agreement (DHB MECA) bargaining team is now waiting on information from the DHBs themselves in order to progress their claims.
November 2020 vol 26 no 10
November 1, 2020
NZNO’s district health board multi-employer collective agreement (DHB MECA) bargaining team is now waiting on information from the DHBs themselves in order to progress their claims.
November 2020 vol 26 no 10
November 1, 2020
NZNO leaders say they are looking forward to working with the new Minister of Health Andrew Little as soon as possible.
November 2020 vol 26 no 10
November 1, 2020
NZNO issued a strike notice late last month covering some 3200 primary health care (PHC) nurses and receptionist/administration staff across more than 500 practices and accident/medical centres nationwide.
November 2020 vol 26 no 10
November 1, 2020
NZNO WOMEN’S health college chair Denise Braid is welcoming the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) decision to review all declined injury claims related to surgical mesh since 2005.
November 2020 vol 26 no 10
November 1, 2020
The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has announced the theme for International Nurses Day (IND) 2021.
November 2020 vol 26 no 10
November 1, 2020
Ara Institute of Technology midwifery lecturer Sarah Pallett has begun her new career as a Labour MP, representing the Ilam electorate. She won the seat resoundingly, ousting National MP and deputy leader Gerry Brownlee, who had held the seat since its creation in 1996.
November 2020 vol 26 no 10
November 1, 2020
The 2020 Health Volunteer of the Year is Patricia (Patu) Sigley, nominated by Kororareka Marae Society. She also received the Māori health volunteer award.
November 2020 vol 26 no 10
November 1, 2020
The NZNO college of gerontology nursing is working with the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) to bring a more person-centred approach to aged residential care (ARC) in New Zealand.
Read more... College wants to attract more nurses into aged care
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
A nurse experienced in neonatal and practice nursing has recently been recognised by the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) for her work with coalition forces in Iraq in 2018.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Former national director/chief executive of NZNO Brenda Wilson died peacefully at her home in Invercargill last month, aged 83. She had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease three years ago.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Much work needs to be done to address big issues such as the privilege Pākehā receive in their health care and the under-privilege of Māori, accessibility of services, the importance of wairuatanga in health care, and empowerment of Māori to make decisions about their own health.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
NZNO’s new senior policy analyst is Lucia Bercinskas. She fills the role left vacant after the resignation of Jill Wilkinson in February.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
A new six-bed inpatient mental health facility at Wellington Hospital will be ready in 2021, the Ministry of Health (MoH) has confirmed.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Nurse practitioner of the year and practice nurse of the year are just two categories open to nurses in the 2020/2021 Primary Healthcare Awards/He Tohu Mauri Ora.
Read more... Primary health care professionals to be honoured
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Nurses covered by the primary health care multi-employer collective agreement (PHC MECA) have voted overwhelmingly in favour of more strike action in pursuit of pay parity.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Negotiations for the NZNO/district health board multi-employer collective agreement (MECA) – NZNO’s biggest in terms of members covered – are on track, according to acting industrial services manager Glenda Alexander.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Nursing leadership positions at a number of district health boards (DHBs) are under threat. NZNO acting associate professional services manager Kate Weston said there appeared to be an emerging trend in the sector to dismantle, diminish or degrade senior nursing leadership positions.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Kelly Talbot, a 29-year-old clinical nurse specialist at Rotorua’s Southern Cross Hospital and student nurse educator (SNE) at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, is NZNO’s 2020 Young Nurse of the Year.
June 12, 2020
Te Tai Tokerau Māori health advocate Moe Milne, Ngāti Hine and Ngāpuhi, says Māori have proven they can take care of their own whānau, after a nurse-Led response to COVID-19 reached hundreds in vulnerable Northland communities.
Read more... Iwi response to COVID-19 shows power of Māori-led health care