12 candidates standing in NZNO board of directors elections 2022

August 3, 2022

Nominations were called for the NZNO Board of Directors on 17 June and closed at 12 noon, Friday 15 July 2022.

  • As there were more than seven nominations received for the seven vacancies on the Board, an election is required.
  • The following article contains the candidate profiles and photos of the candidates standing for the Board positions.
  • Please note that while the candidates are listed in alphabetical order by surname in this article, candidate names are listed in random order on the voting paper.
  • The profiles have been provided by each candidate and are unedited by Kaitiaki. Co-editors accept no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the statements as supplied by the candidates.

Board election candidates

Simon AUTY

Professional qualifications:

  • 2013 Post-Graduate Diploma in Health Informatics University of Otago
  • 1999 Bachelor of Nursing The Waikato Polytechnic
  • 1997 Quality Assurance Certificate The Waikato Polytechnic
  • 1996 Instructor’s Certificate in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation The National Heart Foundation
  • 1994 Registered Comprehensive Nurse Nursing Council of New Zealand
  • 1993 Diploma of Comprehensive Nursing Nelson Polytechnic

Candidate statement:

As the Chair of the CE Employment Committee I led the Board through the selection and eventual appointment of Paul Goulter our new CE. Already his appointment has had a positive effect on the Organisation.


Now with Paul in place we can prepare NZNO for the future and make it better able to meet our needs. We need to continue with the Constitutional review and make sure it reflects Union values rather than the overly Corporate model of the current version.

I have been the Chair of a School Board of Trustees, on the Board of Directors of Nelson Polytechnic and now as a Member of the Institute of Directors and a current NZNO Board Member I continue to develop my skills that make me an effective Board member.

Previous relevant experience:

  • Member of the Institute of Directors
  • Current NZNO Board Member
  • Chair of Maoribank School Board of Trustees
  • Nelson Polytechnic Board of Directors
  • NZNO Delegate (Training to level 1 and 2)
  • Member Perioperative College
  • Perioperative College representative to GWRC and previously Tairawhiti/Bay of Plenty RC
  • Ran own small business
  • On Senior Nurses Collective Contract negotiating panel

Declaration of conflicts of interest:

  • Employee of Evolution HealthCare Group Ltd at Bowen Hospital, Wellington
  • Employee of Wellington District Hospital
  • Membership of Perioperative Nurses College NZNO
  • Perioperative Services Bowen Hospital NZNO Workplace Delegate

Method of campaigning or contact:


Professional qualifications:

  • Bachelor of Nursing (Otago Polytech, 1996)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health, Endorsed in Health Systems and Services (Otago University, 2020)

Candidate statement:

Kia ora koutou. I ask for your support in the NZNO election as someone with a wealth of experience, having served in elected roles in three nursing unions over 25 years. As NZNO President from 2015-20, I led members through the difficult 2018 DHB MECA campaign. Together, we battled for fair pay and safe staffing – and for NZNO to be a democratic, membership-driven union. We won the promise of pay equity and voted for the remit I co-wrote, to work towards minimum nurse/patient ratios. With NZNO powering ahead under the new leadership team, the time is right to rejoin the Board and achieve these goals for all through the Maranga Mai Campaign. My vision for NZNO is #NursesUnited, Te Kāhui Tāwharau. I promote transparency, integrity and genuine partnerships under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. I support a stronger IQN voice and an NZNO Migrant Nurses Section. Let’s rise up together.

Previous relevant experience:

  • PSA Delegate
  • UNISON (UK) Shop Steward
  • NZNO Delegate, Regional Council Chair, Relief Organiser, Board member, National Delegates Committee Convenor, MECA Negotiator, Membership Committee Vice-Chair and President.
  • Current Member of NZNO Greater Wellington Regional Council and Editor of Mental Health Nurses Section Newsletter.
  • My nomination is endorsed by GWRC and MHNS.

Declaration of conflicts of interest:

  • Coordinator, OraTaiao: New Zealand Climate and Health Council Member, Green Party Climate Change Policy Development Group
  • Co-Convenor, PSA Eco Network
  • Member, PSA DHB Sector Committee
  • Board member, Newtown Union Health Service

Method of campaigning or contact:


Professional qualifications:

  • Bachelor of Nursing – UCOL Palmerston North
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Nursing – Whitireia Polytechnic Wellington
  • Bachelor of Economics – Mahatma Gandhi University, India
  • Masters Degree in Economics – Kerala University, India
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Materials Management – Annamalai University, India

Candidate statement:

Born in India, I moved to this most beautiful country in the world 15 years back and decided to make this country my home. I am currently working as an Associate Charge Nurse and Duly Authorised Officer. I am also a Justice of the Peace.
My vision for NZNO is to become a union that all members feel is their own, irrespective of where they work or their ethnicity or any other differences – #NursesUnited, Te Kāhui Tāwharau. I believe NZNO should fight for fair pay and safe working conditions for all. I believe we especially need a stronger voice of migrant nurses and nurses working in aged residential care. I acknowledge the bicultural aspect of Aotearoa New Zealand and I believe NZNO has a big role to play in strengthening biculturalism. I support Maranga Mai movement and believe this is a right step towards achieving our goals.


Previous relevant experience:

  • NZNO Delegate
  • Justice of the Peace for New Zealand
  • Duly Authorised Officer for Mental Health Act
  • Associate Charge Nurse, acute mental health inpatient unit.
  • President of Kerala Association of Palmerston North
  • Executive board member – Manawatu Multicultural Association
  • Trustee In Charge – St. Joseph’s Kerala Catholic Community, Palmerston North

Declaration of conflicts of interest:

  • None

Method of campaigning or contact:

  • Phone / WhatsApp: 0064212361963
  • Facebook page: NursesUnited TeKahui Tawharau,
  • Facebook page: Saju Cherianhttps://fb.me/unionnursegrant.org
  • email: [email protected]
  • phone: 021 236 1963

Margret HAND

Professional qualifications:

  • NP, BN, MHs, Certificate Public Health, Intensive Care Unit, Nursing Council Assessor, NZNO delegate training,

Candidate statement:

Without a plan our dreams are a wish list, as collective members we can force the government to make positive changes, to develop robust strategies; address the shortage of a nursing workforce, reduce burn out and minimise harm. We should be rewarded equitably for the care we provide, no matter where we work. Let’s listen to member’s voices for direction, everyone has a potential, true courage requires strength, to address and raise an awareness of members concerns, and to take them further. Children in Aotearoa continue to live in poverty & Māori experience the greatest mortality and morbidity rates overall. NZNO can strengthen and address these indifferences with your support, to grow the Māori workforce and act against health inequities. “We cannot afford to complain without action, while we expect it to change, change will not happen unless we are a part of that change, instigating a plan of action”

Previous relevant experience:

  • Māori Nurse Practitioner: Active NZNO member for 30 years’ experience across many health care sectors. Current Board of Directors, previous Te Runanga representative, vice Chair Regional council. Assessor Nursing Council.

Declaration of conflicts of interest:

  • Current BOD member

Method of campaigning or contact:

  • Facebook, face to face campaigning, emails and phone calls.
  • email: [email protected]
  • phone: 027 302 6944


Professional qualifications:

  • Bachelor of Nursing Māori;
  • Postgraduate Certificate Nursing Science;
  • Ngā Manukura o Āpōpō Māori Clinical Leadership;
  • PDRP Expert.

Candidate statement:

I grew up in a rural area. Moving to the big city, I saw lots of things that weren’t right for us as Māori. I became a Public Health Nurse to help our Māori communities. Working in the COVID Unit for the last two years, my understanding grew about how undervalued we are as nurses and health workers, smack in the middle of a health system crisis and pandemic. It’s time to Maranga Mai! For nine years I served members of Te Rūnanga in Greater Wellington, Te Upoko o Te Ika a Māui, as their representative on Te Poari. I would now like to address the challenges faced by all NZNO members – Māori and non-Māori, IQN and NZRN. I believe we need a democratic, membership-driven union, fair pay and safe staffing for all. Please support this vision of #NursesUnited, Te Kāhui Tāwharau, and vote Lizzy Kepa-Henry for NZNO Board.

Previous relevant experience:

  • Within NZNO: Member of Te Poari, Membership Committee, Florence Nightingale Committee and PHC Nurses College Executive Board. Chairperson for Te Rūnanga Greater Wellington Region TUoTIAM; Regional Council Vice-Chair (current).
  • External: HVDHB Māori Partnership Board, Youth Lottery Funding Board,  Advanced Care Planning Steering Group and Whitireia BN Māori NZQA Accreditation Panel.

Declaration of conflicts of interest:

  • Dual member of PSA and NZNO

Method of campaigning or contact:

Geraldine KIRKWOOD

Professional qualifications:

  • RN, Dip in HE in Nursing Studies and PG Dip in Health Management.

Candidate statement:

I am an overseas trained nurse who migrated to NZ in 1997 for a better life and to raise a family. My husband is also a nurse. We have one daughter.

I have held several positions in NZ and supporting nurses and the nursing profession has always been my focus.

Thank you to all of you who voted for me in the last election as I have had the opportunity to learn while I have been on BOD and I look forward to the opportunity to continue on this journey with your support.

I can facilitate change through the different available channels. I was part of the negotiation team in 2021/2022. Nursing needs to be part of the solution to the current problems and must be heard. We have begun to use our voice politically and I am excited to be part of the changes.

Previous relevant experience:

  • BOD member October 2020.

Declaration of conflicts of interest:

  • None

Method of campaigning or contact:

  • Personal facebook and workplace campaigning
  • email: [email protected]
  • phone: 027 329 1913


Professional qualifications:

  • Master of Health Science Nursing
  • Bachelor of Health Science Nursing

Candidate statement:

NZNO is positioned to represent nurses and will bring about positive change. As a Board member, involved in strategic planning and governance I continue to learn. I owned my own business, am a clinical expert and am leading the current constitution review. I continue to champion nursing/medical and paramedic students. Fom these experiences I have been trained in and continue to learn about human resource development and accountability. My aim is that we will be a leading voice and have a seat at the table before decisions are made that effect our working environment. This will include increasing our membership, developing position papers, creating new alliances with government and industry, creatively involving students, and taking up important nursing issues. It would be my great honour to take these next steps with you as a board of Director.

Previous relevant experience:

I display effective communication skills as a Board and committee member. My business enabled me to interact with staff and customers. I have the displayed character and integrity in my decisions within nursing and NZNO. I practice effective cross-cultural communication. I am self-aware and prioritize personal development. I develop others encouraging strategic thinking, innovation, and action by developing guidelines and protocols and training.

Declaration of conflicts of interest:

  • Board member NZNO
  • Workplace Delegate
  • Member Greater Auckland Regional Council

Method of campaigning or contact:

  • Personal Facebook page
  • Posters at Hospitals
  • Word of mouth- colleagues/friends
  • email: [email protected]
  • phone: 021 772 603


Professional qualifications:

  • NZRN, BN Nursing, Masters of Nursing, Nurse Practitioner.

Candidate statement:

I have been an NZNO delegate for over 3 years and a member of NZNO for more than 20 years. Over the last 3 years as part of the NZNO delegate group for a small rural hospital I have been one of the lead delegates for the strike planning, implementation and support of our members.

I believe NZNO is at a cross roads with new leadership in the middle of health system crisis, in which nurses are finding their voice. I think it is time for nurses to be more vocal, whilst remaining professional. We have lost the support and faith of members over the last 5 years and the direction of the union needs to be more open and transparent, with delegates empowered to be the voice of our members. We need proactive communication not only with our members but the public we serve.

Previous relevant experience:

Nurse practitioner for 5 years, previous associate change nurse, nurse educator (IV therapy, PDRP, students), ICU nurse and flight nurse, primary care nurse. Member of HQSC Expert Medication Safety Group, Nurse Council Competency Assessor and NP Panel member.

Declaration of conflicts of interest:

  • No Conflict of interest.

Method of campaigning or contact:


Professional qualifications:

  • Postgraduate certificate in Primary Health Care Speciality Nursing in Wellchild/Tamariki Ora, New Zealand Royal Plunket Society/Whitireia Community Polytechnic, New Zealand, 2008
  • Registered General Nurse, Eastern Institute of Technology, New Zealand, 2006

Candidate statement:

I value the contribution of all members and their aspirations. I am a skilled Practice Nurse Manager who utilises an integrated partnership approach, and clinical and cultural expertise across governance and project boards. I have extensive knowledge of ensuring the voice of the people and their whānau are integrated using Models of Care as a way of normalising culturally responsive practices. I am committed to ensuring equity across systems and services and students, staff, whānau and communities are valued. I consistently integrate both Non- Maori and Māori Mātauranga, worldviews as an authentic contributor to innovation and change management. I am a positive role model who creates opportunities to engage with nurses. I am passionate about creating advanced nursing pathways and creating strategies for recruitment and retention of all Nurses while ensuring they are supported and have access to cultural supervision.

Previous relevant experience:

  • NERF Elected Board member
  • Te Aute College and Marae Board Trustee
  • Hawkes Bay DHB Nursing Midwifery Shared Governance
  • Te Poari NZNO
  • MWWL Waipatu
  • Nga Ringa Manaaki Maori Nurses Forum
  • NZNO Primary Health National Executive Committee
  • NZNO Te Rau Kokiri Project Team
  • Te Runanga Rep – Te Runanga Tauira and NSU

Declaration of conflicts of interest:

  • I declare that I have to the best of my knowledge no conflicts of interest.

Method of campaigning or contact:

  • A Social Media Page will be set up as my form of campaigning for members to see.
  • email: [email protected]
  • phone: 021 025 94927


Professional qualifications:

  • Comprehensive Nurse Diploma

Candidate statement:

It is a critical time for the NZ health workforce. Members need NZNO to have a strong voice and take effective action to ensure that New Zealand’s health sector has a well-resourced, well-supported and valued workforce going forward.

I have eight years’ experience serving on the NZNO board. I served as NZNO Vice-president from 2017-2019. I have a good understanding of NZNO and extensive governance experience.

I would like to contribute towards leading the organization to achieve better outcomes for members. I have the energy, motivation, and skills to make a meaningful contribution.

I work as a registered nurse in Women’s Health at Palmerston North Hospital. I am an active NZNO workplace delegate and a member of the Central Regional Council.

I am committed to representing members’ views. I believe board decisions should be openly communicated to its members. I think strategically, have good communication skills, and strong financial acumen.

Previous relevant experience:

  • NZNO Board of Director – 2009 – 2015, and 2017-2019
  • NZNO Vice- President – 2013 – 2015
  • NZNO Delegate – since 2007
  • MidCentral District Health Board – Board member – 2010-2022
  • Palmerston North City Council – City Councillor – 2016-2022
  • Nurse – Women’s Health – Midcentral District Health Board

Declaration of conflicts of interest:

  • Staff Nurse – Midcentral District Health Board

Method of campaigning or contact:


Professional qualifications:

  • Bachelor of Nursing Degree (Expected 2022)
  • Registered Nurse (Expected 2022)

Candidate statement:

I have been privileged to be the National Student Representative Chairperson and previous Vice-Chairperson for the National Student Unit. These positions enabled me to sit on the Membership Committee and the Regional Council to advocate for student nurses in New Zealand. More recently this has been actioned by me through media interviews with RNZ, MediaWorks, and TVNZ – each giving a voice to students who largely do not have one. I have excellent knowledge and understanding of nursing as a whole and the important function of the Board of Directors. Throughout this role my skills and knowledge will continue to develop and support the concerns and maintenance of NZNO. With my fresh and modern perspective, a potentially new and essential viewpoint will be added to the Board’s decision-making body. I will speak up for NZNO members and ensure that their voices are heard.

Previous relevant experience:

I am the current National Student Representative Chairperson and previous Vice-Chairperson. I have sat on Membership Committee from 2020 as the National Student Unit Representative. I also sit on my local Regional Council
which I have been involved in since 2020.

Declaration of conflicts of interest:

  • None declared.

Method of campaigning or contact:

  • I will create a Facebook page and Instagram account for campaigning purposes only.
  • email: [email protected]
  • phone: 027 914 7436

Anamaria WATENE

Professional qualifications:

  • Registered Nurse
  • Clinical Nurse Manager
  • Masters of Health Practice in Māori Health

Candidate statement:

Given the impact of COVID 19 on our nursing workforce, it has exposed the historical under-investment in this area. Health should be the starting point for all policies and decision making ; we now have the health reform, and not much has changed, but what is certain is that we have continued to show up to meet the needs of our patients. This is why it is important that Health & Safety is a key critical debate at next year’s elections, we need to keep our workforce safe. I believe Maranga Mai (Rise Up) strategy is a positive approach to begin proactively advocating for nursing voices and real action across the whole sector, including aged care, primary, and Māori health. “He aha te mea nui o te ao, he tāngata he tāngata he tāngata”.

Previous relevant experience:

  • Registered Nurse paediatrics and medicine. Clinical nurse manager ward 2A Kaupapa Hauora a Toi.
  • Current NZNO Board of Directors.
  • Chair for BOP / Tairawhiti Te Runanga o Aotearoa

Declaration of conflicts of interest:

  • Current BOD member
  • Te Poari Te Rūnanga o Aotearoa
  • BOP Tairāwhiti Te Rūnanga chairperson

Method of campaigning or contact:

You can read candidate profiles, along with the 2022 remits, in the Candidate Profiles and Remit Information booklet (which is also available to you once you have logged into the voting site).

In addition to the candidate profiles, each candidate has also supplied a statement of experience and skills. You can access these at the links below.

Margaret HAND Lizzy KEPA-HENRY Geraldine KIRKWOOD

Voting details

NZNO members are encouraged to participate in this important process.

Here is the link to the website where you will to able to vote to elect seven (7) Directors and to indicate whether you agree/disagree with two (2) Constitutional Remits and one (1) Policy Remit. To vote you will need your unique personal identification number (PIN) and Password (case sensitive) which will be emailed or posted to you on 3 August).

The election will close on Friday 9 September 2022. Voting is by postal or internet voting. All voting papers must be in the hands of the returning officer no later than 12 noon on Friday 9 September 2022. The last day for posting voting papers is Tuesday 6 September so that they reach the returning officer by close of voting.

All financial members with a valid email address recorded with NZNO will be emailed their voting details on Wednesday 3 August 2022. Financial members who do not have an email address recorded with NZNO will be posted a voter pack on Wednesday 3 August 2022.

The election is being conducted by electionz.com Ltd, an independent election management services company. Most of the election information will be sent to NZNO members by [email protected] via email, including the call for nominations and voting details.

Members are encouraged to update their contact details via the NZNO website.

Election key dates

  • Nominations opened Friday 17 June 2022
  • Nominations closed 12 noon, Friday 15 July 2022
  • Voting opens Wednesday 3 August 2022
  • Voting closes 12 noon, Friday 9 September 2022.

For further details call the election helpline on free phone 0800 666 044 or contact Returning Officer Warwick Lampp at [email protected].

See also: Member voting opens on three remits