Looking back, many conferences were cancelled or postponed. We became rapidly adept at using Zoom and other technologies to remain connected. The NZNO annual general meeting (AGM) and conference were held virtually last year, as was the C&S day.
Many C&S committee members ended 2020 very tired from changes to practices and the demands arising from COVID-19. Demands on nurses in places such as aged residential care facilities has been huge, particularly through the lockdown periods. This has left less energy for usual activities, such as contributing to NZNO submissions. Many C&S symposiums and conferences had to be cancelled, and the work that went into contingency planning throughout the year was significant.
Given the many conferences that were disrupted and/or postponed, 2021 promises to be a better year with many events being rescheduled. Please keep an eye out on the calendar of events for upcoming dates and registration processes, on the NZNO website and in Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand magazine. Here are just a few of the events planned:
- On March 6, the College of Primary Health Care nurses, alongside the College of Nurses Aotearoa, is hosting a symposium in Christchurch: ‘Nursing diversity brings nursing strength – a focus on primary and community nursing’.
- On March 30, the College of Critical Care Nurses is hosting a virtual education event.
- On May 18-20, the Enrolled Nurses Section is planning to hold its AGM and conference in Dunedin. The Women’s Health College is also planning to hold its AGM and conference in Dunedin in May.
- On August 27, the Mental Health Nurses Section is holding a one-day forum on “mental capacity” in Dunedin.
- On August 30-September 1, the College of Air and Surface Transport nurses is holding a joint conference, ‘Critical care in the air’, with the Aeromedical Society of Australasia in Wellington.
- In September, the College of Child and Youth Nurses is planning to hold a symposium in Christchurch.
- On September 15-17, the Infection, Prevention and Control Nurses College is planning to hold its AGM and conference in Invercargill.
- On October 7-9, the Perioperative Nurses College is planning to hold its conference and AGM in Christchurch.
- The Cancer Nurses College is exploring the possibilities of working in with the New Zealand Society of Oncologists’ conference on October 28-30 in Rotorua.
- The College of Gerontology Nursing continues to partner with postgraduate students at Waikato’s Institute of Technology to explore the provision of skilled and appropriate care for older people. This project is expected to conclude later in 2021. The college’s 2020 biennial conference was cancelled and its next conference is planned for some time after April 2022.
Professional forums
In February and March, the annual professional forums will be “hybrid” events, with both in-person and “virtual” participants. It is hoped that this new online option will increase the reach of the forums to those who may not otherwise be able to attend. The online education will be of the same high quality, running concurrently with the programme being received in the room – so I encourage you to register. Details can be found on the NZNO website – Professional forums 2021. I hope to see you there.