APRIL 2024 crossword

April 16, 2024

Instructions: Click on any cell to get started. Click on vertical / horizontal lines to change direction, or direction can be changed by clicking on Space / Enter key. Across and Down Clues can be toggle visible by clicking on the down / up arrows.

You can fill in this crossword on the page, or download a PDF from here if you want to print it out and fill it in by hand.

March answers
ACROSS: 1. Competent. 6. Rabbi. 8. Fargo. 9. Hum. 11. Barrier. 12. Legal. 13. Ewe. 15. Eerie. 17. Elm. 19. Midwife. 21. Wept. 22. Pou. 23. Western. 26. Fatigue. 29. Rude. 31. Wit. 32. X-ray. 33. Bed. 34. Ethnicity. 35. Mayor.
DOWN: 1. Coffee. 2. Morale. 3. Enough. 4. Exhale. 5. Timber. 6. Rear. 7. Impromptu. 10. Liver. 14. Write. 16. Expert. 18. Swot. 20. Fir. 21. Wolf. 22. Pageboy. 23. Waewae. 24. Stitch. 25. Nod. 27. Alas. 28. Elder. 29. Reti. 30. Exit.
