Better deals needed to encourage IQNs to work in NZ

March 28, 2022

I am a registered nurse (RN) who completed the competency assessment programme (CAP) in May 2021. But I had to pay nearly NZ$12,000 to finish CAP. Travelling plus the OET (occupational English test) exam fee — all this adds up to huge amount.

Email your letter to: [email protected].
We reserve the right to edit letters for sense and length. Shorter letters (under 400 words) are preferred. Please include address, nursing qualifications and phone number.

Other countries are way less expensive. Moreover, they reimburse nurses the cost of the OET and ticket fare, plus CBT [UK compulsory basic training/RN competency training] exam fee etc. Hence many of my friends who would love to come to New Zealand as RNs go to the United Kingdom and Ireland instead. If something could be done about this, we are likely to get more nurses than we get now.

This shortage of nurses is otherwise going to keep rising, especially in this pandemic. Some attractive packages or reimbursement would definitely make a difference.

Ashly Mangalasseril, RN (India),

Nursing Council of New Zealand chief executive Catherine Byrne replies: The council acknowledges the significant cost associated with migrating and gaining registration as a nurse in New Zealand. These costs are attributable to the verification and authentication of the source document process through an external company and the council’s in-depth assessment of each application for registration (NZ$485). The completion of a competence assessment programme (CAP) is required by some applicants and the cost of this programme may vary depending on the course. The CAP is a 6-8 week programme where education about the New Zealand nursing context is provided and an assessment of competence occurs. IQNs can contact [email protected] for further information.