Board approves 2021/2022 budget deficit

March 1, 2021

In his report to the board, corporate services manager David Woltman presented a budgeted deficit of $478,000 for 2021/22 and small surpluses in the following two years.

Following on from the audit and risk committee, he told the board he had looked closely at costs, especially travel and accommodation costs. He suggested more use of Zoom and fewer kanohi-ki-te-kanohi hui for all member groups and committees, to reach a balance of 50 per cent Zoom and 50 per cent kanohi-ki-te-kanohi hui.


The board has taken the lead, reducing its six planned face-to-face meetings to three for next year, with the balance via Zoom.

The board approved the draft budget for 2021/2022, subject to a reduction of $200,000 in travel and accommodation expenses, resulting in a revised deficit of $278,000. Members and staff will be advised to reduce the number of kanohi-ki-te-kanohi hui. From April, Woltman said every month the financial statements would identify travel expenses.

This article has been written from reports and minutes taken from the February 2021 board of directors’ meeting.
