Comprehensive guide to mesothelioma

May 17, 2023

A United States law firm which acts for people exposed to asbestos has produced a thorough guide to mesothelioma.

After coming across the helpful information your Kaitiaki website shared about mesothelioma, we would like to inform your readers of another resource on this important topic.

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused from exposure to asbestos that takes 20-50 years to develop. It’s extremely important to spread awareness of this type of cancer, because misdiagnosis is common. Also, there are many different ways to treat it.

Our law firm has made a guide that includes everything to know about mesothelioma.

This guide forms part of the expert service we provide to victims of exposure to asbestos.

For two decades, we have specialised in litigation on behalf of thousands of US mesothelioma patients, working to secure them compensation from asbestos manufacturers.

We hope this guide will prove useful to your readers.

Jacob Bryant
Lanier Law Firm,
Houston, Texas