Equity tool in pipeline

February 1, 2021

A draft equity framework to guide NZNO in all its work was shared with the board by NZNO policy analyst Māori Leanne Manson and senior policy analyst Lucia Bercinskas.

Its guiding questions – How are Māori represented in NZNO? How does NZNO’s culture support Māori? Who will benefit the most? What are the unintended consequences? – were intended as a starting point when designing policy, resourcing campaigns or in other NZNO work, Manson advised the board. The framework would now be shared with staff and then members for feedback, she said.

Chief executive Memo Musa said it was important the framework was understood and applied by staff to ensure policies and actions resulted in equitable outcomes for members “that would in turn support equitable results for the people they work with.”

This article has been written from reports and minutes taken from the December 2020 board of directors meeting.
