FEBRUARY 2023 crossword

February 16, 2023

Print out the grid (using print tab at the bottom right of this page) and use the clues below. December’s answers are below the clues.


1) Tube inserted into body.
4) Loud bird cry.
7) Moral.
9) Belonging to us.
10) Squat land frog.
13) Enthusiastic.
15) Support (Māori).
19) Long-tailed rodent.
21) Common class of antibiotic.
22) Having hope.
24) Make cloth on loom.
25) Give up.


1) Supports broken bone.
2) Used to sew, or inject.
3) Solutions with low pH.
5) Shakespeare play: Much ___ About Nothing.
6) Discussion (Māori).
8) Health professional who temporarily fills in for another.
11) Fret.
12) Provides palliative care.
14) Teach.
16) Game featuring cue and 15 red balls.
17) Ascended.
18) Front of the queue.
20) Sort patients according to acuity.
23) Online conversation.

December answers
ACROSS: 1. Disparity. 6. Coat. 7. Utensil. 8. Audit. 9. Licence. 12. Strike. 14. Brazil. 16. Ent. 17. Humour. 19. Exam. 21. Pixie. 22. Garage. 24. Date. 25. Enthusiastic.
DOWN: 1. Debate. 2. Student. 3. Acute. 4. Tennis. 5. Bacteria. 6. Clan. 10. Ear. 11. Skier. 12. Struggle. 13. Rumour. 15. Agreed. 18. Extra. 20. Attic. 21. Peas. 23. Ash.
