FEBRUARY 2024 crossword

February 15, 2024

Print out the grid (using PRINT tab at the bottom right of this page) and use the clues below. January answers are below the clues.


1) Plant material in cigarettes.
4) Aunt’s child.
7) Elder (Māori).
9) Request.
11) Summer herb.
13) US TV award.
14) Safe place.
15) Scottish dagger.
16) Shy person.
17) Pay for.
19) Jane ____, by Charlotte Bronte.
21) Killer whale.
22) Type of bean sprout.
23) Baked meat meal.
24) Road charge.
25) Women’s hormonal change.
26) Asian cereal crop.


1) Known as pollex in medical Latin.
2) Makes cake.
3) A romantic pair.
4) Do this to cream to make butter.
5) Long involved story.
6) Supports the head.
8) Involves use of essential oils.
10) Disbelieving.
12) Farewell (French).
14) Bees’ home.
17) Whānau.
18) University qualification.
20) New Orleans culture.
21) Small swimming mammal.


January answers
ACROSS: 1. Nicotine. 5. Scar. 7. Aunt. 8. Cramp. 9. Exit. 10. Ennui. 12. Ruth. 13. Adonis. 16. Cud. 17. Mokopuna. 19. Tears. 20. Giraffe. 23. Vegan. 24. Deeply. 25. Continue.
DOWN: 1. Nectar. 2. Coalition. 3. Typed. 4. East. 5. Stents. 6. Retired. 11. Inmates. 14. Drummer. 15. Hopeful. 16. Cardigan. 18. Rigid. 21. Reek. 22. Knee. 23. Vat.
