Help write the last chapter on cervical cancer

March 25, 2025

It’s not often we can shout about a good news cancer story, but we have one shaping up and you can be a part of it.

Aotearoa New Zealand can eliminate cervical cancer. Together, we can save countless lives and leave a powerful legacy for generations to come.

The path to ending cervical cancer is clear. We have the tools – human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and cervical screening mean cervical cancer deaths are preventable. What we need now is the Government’s commitment and investment to help us reach elimination. That’s where heroes like you come in.

The Cancer Society and its partners launched The Book that Ended Cancer, but a crucial part is missing – the chapter where we stand up and join a chorus of voices calling for action.

Think about it: your name in a book that tells the story of how we ended a cancer that has impacted so many lives across generations. Your signature will strengthen the call for dedicated funding and resources to make this vision a reality.

Ready to be part of this incredible story? It takes just a minute to become a hero. Head to to read the story and add your name to the book help us close the final chapter on cervical cancer.

You’ll see on the campaign site that the Women’s Health College, NZNO, logo is already proudly displayed as a hero organisation. Now we are calling for the power of numbers and encourage you to sign as individuals. As trusted health professionals, you can help spread the word to your networks too. You will find resources on the campaign site we welcome you to use to raise awareness.

Maria De Cort
senior communications advisor,
Cancer Society of New Zealand