JULY 2023 crossword

July 18, 2023

Print out the grid (using PRINT tab at the bottom right of this page) and use the clues below. June answers are below the clues.


1) Temporary organ of pregnancy.
5) Inexpensive.
8) Vindictive.
9) Casual restaurant.
11) Tell untruth.
12) Juicy stone fruit.
13) Vital for tasting and speaking.
14) Correct practice (Māori).
16) Pull vehicle.
18) Ballet dress.
20) Hunger.
21) At the back of a boat.
22) Child’s name for father.
25) Speech, discussion (Māori).
28) Dribble.
30) Large deer.
31) Loss of mental skills.
32) Automobile.


1) It cushions the head.
2) Agree to.
3) Largest Australian bird.
4) Nursing over the phone.
6) Ingest.
7) Look after.
10) Separated from others.
15) Weaken/damage.
16) Followed/hunted.
17) H20.
19) Small child.
23) Sunny egg centre.
24) A thought.
26) Living optical device.
27) What you are when you are bowled (cricket).
29) Foot soldier of Mordor.


June answers
ACROSS: 1. Ward. 4. Tamariki. 8. Eve. 10. Ivories. 12. Negative. 14. Excel. 15. Complain. 18. Papaya. 22. Triage. 24. Taxi. 25. Sigh. 27. Eager. 29. Tūī. 30. Orange. 31. Popular.
DOWN: 2. Asbestos. 3. Decay. 5. Adieu. 6. Anorexia. 7. Icicle. 9. Exit. 11. Sew. 13. Wit. 16. Perth. 17. Fatigue. 19. Pathway. 20. Upset. 21. Visa. 23. Error. 26. Grip. 28. Gel.
