E-learning programme induction in critical care New Zealand (EPICCNZ) will ensure that every person new to critical care can access the same high-level induction via e-learning to augment practical learning at the bedside.
EPICCNZ comprises nine e-learning modules. They include four that explore the fundamental knowledge required to work in the speciality of critical care; four with body systems’ knowledge to help manage and care for those with critical illness; and a speciality module where the needs of specific populations (eg those with burns or trauma) are covered.
EPICCNZ is true testament to the power of teamwork and innovation.
Each module is presented in an engaging and dynamic way with video content delivered by experts and health consumers, safety pointers on when to seek help or escalate concerns, signposting for when to check with local guidelines and knowledge checks throughout to reaffirm learning.

To ensure quality and applicability of EPICCNZ across the motu, extensive engagement was undertaken throughout all stages of the project.
Content was initially informed by review and consolidation of over 100 different orientation documents shared from 22 critical care areas. Three national stakeholder events and monthly virtual drop-in sessions then enabled in-depth module review by nurse educators.
Feedback was then sought from a wide range of stakeholders including Māori, Pasifika, disability, critical care nurse educators, allied health critical care educators and medical staff. Proof reading and technological testing ensured that a high quality, comprehensive product was developed.
This prestigious award recognises the dedication and collaborative effort of everyone – critical care nurses, allied health professionals and the learning and design team.
Earlier this month, the EPICCNZ team won the award for best induction programme from the New Zealand Association of Training and Development. This is an organisation that represents individuals, companies and organisations across industry, social, health and education sectors.
This prestigious award recognises the dedication and collaborative effort of everyone – critical care nurses, allied health professionals and the learning and design team who worked together to develop the EPICCNZ eLearning module.
Special thanks to the project leadership team and critical care nurse educators nationwide. EPICCNZ is true testament to the power of teamwork and innovation.
EPICCNZ is now live across all Health New Zealand learning management systems – Ko Awatea Learn, Connect Me and healthLearn. You can access the modules by searching ‘EPICCNZ’ or ‘Critical Care Induction’ on any of the learning management systems. Talk to your local critical care or nurse educator to find out which modules may be helpful for you.
— Tania Mitchell is vice-chair of the NZNO college of critical care nurses