Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa, e pānui mai ana.
Ko Joel Maxwell ahau, he kairīpoata hōu i te tīma nei ki a Kai Tiaki.
Nō Te Hiku o te Ika ahau, nō Te Rarawa.
Kia ora. My name is Joel Maxwell, new Kai Tiaki co-editor, and this month marks my first edition as part of the team that creates this journal, in print and on our website.
I’m proudly of Te Rarawa, an iwi from the Far North (Te Hiku o te Ika – the “tail of the fish”). My marae is called Te Rarawa also, which sits in beautiful Pukepoto, between Kaitāia and Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe (Ninety Mile Beach).
I come to Kai Tiaki from Stuff, the news website, where in my most recent role I worked in the press gallery at Parliament.
I feel privileged and excited to be working with NZNO, and at Kai Tiaki, and see the role as a natural extension of my work covering politics, where I had a particular focus on Māori affairs.
I think there is nothing more important than health: of our body, mind, whānau and spirit – and surely there are no more important people in helping foster and grow these aspects of our health than our members.
So, I look forward to sharing our stories, and helping those members stay informed. Ngā mihi nui.
Acting chief executive Mairi Lucas said she was thrilled to welcome Maxwell to Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand but also to the wider NZNO team. “We know his skills and experiences will enhance the magazine and provide a bicultural perspective to the stories and information we share with our members.”