No strike but nurses go purple

September 1, 2021

Delta thwarted strike plans on August 19. Instead, members rolled up their sleeves and got to work on the pandemic frontline.

But a hastily organised ‘Go Purple’ day made sure the message got out, NZNO campaigns advisor Katy Watabe said.

Lead advocate David Wait said the decision to call off the planned August 19 strike was “the right thing to do” amid a community outbreak of COVID-19.

The Nursing Council thanked the nursing profession for its “resilient and steadfast response in putting patients and their care first”, showing true professionalism.

NZNO’s professional nursing advisors also expressed appreciation to nurses for putting the care of people first.


As Kai Tiaki went to print, NZNO was awaiting a recommendation from the Employment Relations Authority after several days of facilitated bargaining with district health boards.

Top row left to right: Wendy Alexander’s lockdown bears in Waitara, Taranaki; Hauora Tairawhiti surgical team. Bottom row left to right: Support from Rarangi, Marlborough; 'Stand with us' balloon; Hauora Tairawhiti surgical teame
Top row left to right: Wendy Alexander’s lockdown bears in Waitara, Taranaki; Hauora Tairawhiti surgical team.
Bottom row left to right: Support from Rarangi, Marlborough; ‘Stand with us’ balloon; Hauora Tairawhiti surgical team