Notice of NZNO 2024 Board Leadership Elections and call for nominations

May 27, 2024

Nominations are required to fill the following leadership positions on the NZNO Board: Kaiwhakahaere and Tumu Whakarae, and President and Vice-president.


Financial NZNO members are eligible to stand as a candidate. All candidates must be nominated and seconded by two financial NZNO members and be endorsed by regional council, Te Poari or national colleges or sections.

Any financial NZNO member who is considering submitting a nomination is encouraged to read the candidate information booklet and familiarise themselves with the Code of Conduct and campaigning guidelines.

The election is being conducted by Ltd. Election information will be sent to NZNO members by email, including the call for nominations and voting details. Members are encouraged to update their contact details via the NZNO website.

Key 2024 election dates
Kaiwhakahaere and Tumu Whakarae President and Vice-president
Nominations open Friday 24 May Friday 21 June
Nominations close 12 noon, Thursday 20 June 12 noon, Friday 19 July
Voting opens Wednesday 7 August
Voting closes Hui-ā-Tau, Sunday 18 August 5pm, Thursday 12 September

Nominations will be called for on Friday 24 May for the Kaiwhakahaere and Tumu Whakarae positions and on Friday 21 June 2024 for the President and Vice-President positions by email to NZNO members, a notice on the NZNO website and in Kaitiaki. Members without an email address will be posted a letter.

Completed nominations must be received by the Returning Officer by 12 noon of the specified closing date for each part of the leadership nominations.

If elections are required, the election for Kaiwhakahaere and Tumu Whakarae will be held at hui-ā-tau on Sunday 18 August and the election for President and Vice-President will be held by online voting only between Wednesday 7 August and Thursday 12 September 2024.

For further details, call the election helpline or contact the Returning Officer using the details below.

Warwick Lampp
Returning Officer – 2024 NZNO Elections
[email protected], 0800 666 044