NOVEMBER crossword

November 15, 2022

Here’s our new crossword for November. Print out the grid (using print tab at the bottom right of this page) and use the clues below. Last month’s answers are below the clues.

3) Chemical used to purify water.
6) and 2 Down, Advanced nursing role.
8) Eye twitch.
9) Type of seafood soup.
11) Cautious.
12) Weary.
16) Kind of working conditions where there are too few staff to care for patients.
17) Raised area of skin, filled with fluid.
19) Where honey is made.
22) Prescribed drugs.
25) Bluey-green.
26) NZNO industrial staff member.
27) 3600 seconds.

1) Injection of fluid to clear out bowel.
2) See 6 Across.
3) Carries golf clubs.
4) Teller of untruths.
5) Loud.
7) Run away to marry.
10) Māori community health worker for Plunket.
13) Eating habits.
14) Joins the femur to the tibia.
15) Famous Swedish pop group.
18) Mythical creature, half man, half horse.
20) Female fox.
21) Rain (Māori).
23) Goes in and out every 12 hours.
24) Rua.

October answers
ACROSS: 1. Global. 7. Impatient. 8. Ignore. 10. East. 11. Victoria. 14. Noisy.
15. Sparkle. 16. Unfair. 18. Election. 22. Queen. 23. Drums. 25. Evacuate. 26. Tents.
DOWN: 1. Geisha. 2. Biosimilar. 3. Lie. 4. Ape. 5. Bile. 6. Unusual. 9. Dispute.
12. Toy. 13. Crust. 16. Unique. 17. Poem. 19. Ladle. 20. Cadet. 21. Weka. 24. Urn.
