Nurse leaders share tips on avoiding burnout

December 1, 2020

The nursing leadership section, tapuhi mana whakatipu, gleaned tips on avoiding burnout at its annual general meeting on November 5, held via Zoom.

Registered nurse and author, Anne Evans-Murray discussed ways to build resilience amid difficult times and how to recognise burnout.


Adult educator Linda Hutchings talked about how our attitudes influence the behaviours of those around us and the five different “languages” of love and appreciation – words, acts, gifts, time or touch.


She challenged us to ask whether the five people we spend the most time with pull us up or down? Daily gratitude should be a way of life and emotions are contagious, she said, emphasising the importance of time to reflect.

With the cancellation of our 2020 conference, we look forward to seeing members in Whanganui on November 4-5, 2021.

Report by nursing leadership section chair Debbie O’Donoghue and NZNO professional nursing adviser Wendy Blair.
