Nurses Memorial Fund is there to help

April 3, 2024

In these difficult economic times, and with another wave of COVID-19, many people are experiencing financial hardship alongside the usual life events.

We write to highlight that financial help is available from the New Zealand Nurses Memorial Fund. It was established as a benevolent fund in 1917 in memory of the 10 nurses lost in the sinking of the Marquette and has supported many nurses in times of financial hardship and emergencies for more than 100 years.

The fund’s philosophy is that it is there to help when social services and someone’s own resources and are not enough to meet their needs. The Nurses Memorial Fund is closely allied with NZNO, though applicants do not need to be a member to apply for assistance.

We welcome applications from nurses with at least two years’ full-time post-registration experience in New Zealand who are working or now retired.

Recently, recipients have been given funds for sudden unexpected illness, a house fire, urgent dental care, and for single parents struggling financially, among others. So, as managers and colleagues, we encourage you to spread the word to nurses you think might benefit from support from the fund.

The fund’s income comes from interest on its investments and also from bequests, donations and membership subscription.

You can become a member or life member and support the fund to help others. We also welcome donations and bequests. The fund is a registered charity – Charity No CC28877

An annual subscription costs $10 and life membership $100.

Applications for assistance or donations can be made to the memorial fund committee by email to [email protected] or by post to NZNMF, PO Box 5363, Dunedin 9054.

Sharyn Lovell
Chair, NZ Nurses Memorial Fund committee