Since then, more than 300 delegates have completed a short online “foundations” course, receiving a certificate of completion which they can use for their professional development and recognition programme.
The online course gives members a fuller understanding of the structure of NZNO and the delegate role before they attend their introductory seminar. We have found that the pre-learning has created more discussion which is a great thing as delegates have further clarity. This online course is now available to all NZNO members, via the NZNO home page.
NZNO now has four short online courses available to all members: Foundation; social media; being an active delegate; and employment rights & relationships – a collaboration with the Youth Workers’ Resource Centre.
Between them, they offer an overview of unionism, how NZNO fits together, collective agreements, bargaining, natural justice, social media guidelines, nurses’ code of conduct and NetSafe guidance.
Members have showed location and shift work is not an obstacle to accessing them, whether from a hair salon, work or home. Some finish the course over time. On the rare occasion when a member has not completed the course we follow up to make sure it is not a technical issue and offer support.
Our courses are on the NZNO website and linked to our member database, so their completion is recognised. This has saved thousands of dollars by not requiring a full learning management system – yet we offer full interactive elements and capture all the completion information we need.
Every month a quick survey is sent to those members who have completed the courses.
Access courses here – you will require your NZNO membership number, which will allow us to issue a completion certificate.