NZNO subscriptions 2022

December 1, 2021

On October 12, 2021, the NZNO board of directors considered options for membership fee increases presented by the acting chief executive.

The board chose to approve an increase of 2.3 per cent across all member fee categories. This is in accordance with the NZNO Constitution (Schedule two: Subscriptions and levies clause 1.2) which limits fee increases to be no more than the CPI (Consumers Price Index). In dollar terms, these increases for full fee categories will range from $7.82 to $13.20 per year.

In deciding this, the board noted: NZNO’s ongoing cost pressures; the budgeted deficits of prior years; the major programme of technology work; and the impending challenges of the new health sector structures.

The board acknowledged the costs incurred by internationally qualified nurses coming to work in Aotearoa New Zealand and the ongoing shortage of nurses. It asked the NZNO management team to find further ways to increase membership numbers.

Fee increases are effective from 1 April 2022.

David Woltman,
Manager corporate services


Membership fee effective from 1 April 2022

Nurse practitioners, registered nurses and midwives, Health Professionals New Zealand members not affiliated to their professional bodies and not mentioned elsewhere
Annual $587.76
Half yearly $293.88
Quarterly $146.94
Monthly (20th) $48.98
Twice monthly (14th & 28th) $24.49
Fortnightly $22.61
Enrolled nurses, registered obstetric nurses and College of Midwives members, Health Professionals New Zealand members with affiliations to their own professional bodies
Annual $469.44
Half yearly $234.72
Quarterly $117.36
Monthly (20th) $39.12
Twice monthly (14th & 28th) $19.56
Fortnightly $18.06
Caregivers, health-care assistants, aides, Karitane nurses, clerical, non-clerical support workers and all other support workers
Annual $350.64
Half yearly $175.32
Quarterly $87.66
Monthly (20th) $29.22
Twice monthly (14th & 28th) $14.61
Fortnightly $13.49

Reduced fee categories

Caregivers, health-care assistants, aides, Karitane Nurses, clerical, non-clerical support workers and all other support workers who have declared their income to be less than $26,000 gross per annum.
Annual $273.12
Half yearly $136.56
Quarterly $68.28
Monthly (20th) $22.76
Twice monthly (14th & 28th) $11.38
Fortnightly $10.50
Low income earners (if approved by NZNO), members who have declared their income less than $19,000 gross per annum.
Annual $218.40
Half yearly $109.20
Quarterly $54.60
Monthly (20th) $18.20
Twice monthly (14th & 28th) $9.10
Fortnightly $8.40
Reduced fee earners (if approved by NZNO), those on parental and full-time postgraduate study leave, members not in nursing practice/unwaged, enrolled bridging students working part-time, members of another union affiliated to CTU.
Annual $218.40
Half yearly $109.20
Quarterly $54.60
Monthly (20th) $18.20
Twice monthly (14th & 28th) $9.10
Fortnightly $8.40
Students in their first year of study in the BN, midwifery or enrolled nurse programme. Free
Students in their first year of study in the BN, midwifery or enrolled nurse programme who wish to have online access to Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand $46.71
Students of nursing, midwifery or enrolled nursing in second, third and subsequent years of study and those retired from nursing but wishing to retain membership. $48.38
Students of nursing, midwifery or enrolled nursing in second, third and subsequent years of study and those retired from nursing but wishing to retain membership with online access to Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand $95.08
Student vaccinators $122.76

Reduced fees

  • At AGM in September 2009 a remit was passed excluding RNs/RMs and ENs from the REDUCED FEE subsidy.
  • A new reduced fee rate for those earning less than $26,000 gross per annum was introduced. See rate chart above.
  • Members earning less than $19,000 gross per annum qualify for the low income subsidy.
  • A declaration of income needs to be made each year of membership.
  • The board of directors has set criteria for special consideration of a reduced fee option for RNs and ENs