Perioperative nurses hopeful for conference

February 1, 2021

We are hoping it will be third time lucky as we plan for our 47th annual perioperative nurses college (PNC) conference in Christchurch this year.

Vision 20/21 Perioperative Nurses College Conference

The 2010/11 earthquakes were the first thing to affect our chance of hosting, then a pandemic jumped into the mix in 2020. But we won’t let that stop us – we are all rebooked and confirmed for October 7–9.

After hardship and a lot of uncertainty, we are looking to provide uplifting speakers who will help you develop both personally and professionally. They include founder of the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience, Lucy Hone; University of Otago lecturer in physiotherapy, Helen Harcombe on musculoskeletal disorders, and sepsis survivor Korrin Barrett, sharing her experiences as a quad amputee.

Our city has been transforming since the earthquakes, so we are looking forward to showing you our “new” Christchurch. New shopping precincts, food markets, arts – come and explore, learn and have fun.

The call for abstracts is open and submissions for oral presentations are welcome before May 10. Details are available on the 2021 Perioperative Nurses College Conference website.


The college is also setting up social media – Facebook and Instagram – accounts for members to share updates and professional development opportunities this year.