Rural nurses struggle to access Kaitiaki online

March 25, 2022

I write in response to [associate manager professional and nursing services] Kate Weston’s reply to “A loss for rural nurses” by Liz Perales in the December 2021 issue of Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand.

Email your letter to: [email protected].
We reserve the right to edit letters for sense and length. Shorter letters (under 400 words) are preferred. Please include address, nursing qualifications and phone number.

Instead of offering an apology and spouting a politically-correct excuse, NZNO needs to do better for rural nurses who will face the same problem accessing Kaitiaki as Liz, until internet access to rural regions improves. Chorus and Spark are in the process of providing ultrafast broadband across the country. Soon, this rollout will benefit rural areas.

2022’s vast increase in membership fees ought to allow NZNO to put aside some funds to produce hard copy for these nurses; we are not talking forever. Besides looking at revenue, NZNO needs to look at reducing expenses. I find the frequent travel by its committee members and executive unacceptable, as are the refreshments provided for talks and meetings.

Janet Jin, RN