SEPTEMBER 2023 crossword

September 15, 2023

Print out the grid (using PRINT tab at the bottom right of this page) and use the clues below. August answers are below the clues.



1) Where surgery is done.
4) Spanish rice and seafood dish.
7) Earth’s satellite.
8) Sweeper.
9) Immerse briefly in liquid.
11) Needing immediate attention.
13) Agony.
15) Once more.
16) Popular frozen vegetable.
18) Make broader.
20) Coalmine.
21) Negative reaction.
24) Immature sheep.
25) Curled fern shoot (Māori).
26) Fine rock and shell particles.
28) Finished working career.
29) Come forth.



1) Cancerous growth.
2) Sufficient.
3) Bone in chest.
4) On time.
5) Cover of container.
6) Acetylsalicylic acid.
10) Decision on cause of disease.
12) Student (Māori).
14) Seven days.
16) Well-liked.
17) Try.
19) Horse’s headgear.
22) Water vapour.
23) Lice, in the singular.
27) Atmosphere.


August answers
ACROSS: 1. University. 5. Ate. 7. Aroha 8. Monsoon. 10. Toes. 11. Slow. 14. Rage. 15. Shy. 16. Awa. 19. Isolate. 20. Iris. 22. Nest. 23. Screening. 24. Preceptor. 25. Fist.
DOWN: 1. Ironed. 3. Exam. 4. Simple. 6. Tuning. 7. Attrition. 9. Operation.
12. Weary. 13. Cheap. 17. Rooster. 18. Pianist. 21. Arrow. 23. Sips.
