And at all 12 hui, held in different cities and towns from Invercargill to Whangārei, nurses and health-care workers were represented.
Motion 1: We demand better paid, safer and more secure work.
The action was led by the Council of Trade Unions (CTU) Te Kauae Kaimahi and supported by several other unions, including, NZNO — Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa.

In front of more than 1000 workers gathered at the Parliament hui, CTU president Richard Wagstaff said this Government was the most anti-worker government there had been in decades.
Motion 2: We demand better investment in public and social infrastructure.
“This coalition government is in the pockets of the rich and corporate interests and doesn’t care about working people.
“When our backs are against a wall, we fight back. And when we fight, we win.”
Motion 3: We demand that the Government end their flagrant attacks on Māori and honor Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
NZNO chief executive Paul Goulter opened his speech at the hui saying he did not know where to start when it came to the inequities this Government was creating.

“They are attacking a lot of people, but it’s really Māori who this government is going after.
“We need a country build on equity of access, affordability and recognition of Te Tiriti rights for Māori.”
Motion 4: We demand immediate action on reducing inequality.
Tertiary Education Union delegate Hemi Houkamu described the attack on Te Tiriti o Waitangi by this Government as “moumou te tāima”, meaning they were wasting their time.
“They can put their Treaty Principles Bill in the rubbish where it belongs.”
Motion 5: We demand an immediate and urgent commitment to meeting the challenges of the future for workers.

Representatives from other unions, including the Public Service Association and E tū, expressed their concerns about the 6000 public service workers who have lost their jobs under this Government, and the hardship that created for them and their whānau. There were also concerns that workers would be left behind as employers transitioned to using new technology.
All five motions were passed unanimously at all hui held today.