NZNO Young Nurse of the Year 2023

Young Nurse of the Year awards 2023


Award Information and Assessment Guide

Purpose of award:
  • To recognise and celebrate exemplary work of nurses in the younger age group who may still be in the early stages of their career
  • To provide an incentive for them to remain nursing in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • To recognise contributions to health and wellbeing and uphold Te Tiriti o Waitangi commitment.
Nomination criteria:

The public, colleagues or managers may nominate a young nurse for this award. Nominators are requested to specify how the nurse they are nominating demonstrates commitment and passion to nursing beyond the work done every day. This may include how the nurse:

  • Shows leadership in practice, research, quality or other e.g. leading new projects
  • Overcomes challenge/s such as personal challenge, professional challenge, environmental challenge
  • Makes a positive impact on patient outcomes as a result of their work.
  • Contributes to their community.
  • Delivers care that honours the articles of Tiriti o Waitangi that are:
    • Kawanatanga (Governance) that requires the Government to protect Māori communities’ rights and interests.
    • Tino Rangatiratanga (self-determination) which requires the Government to work with Māori iwi, hapu and whānau in a partnership that reflects the right of Māori to determine their own destiny.
    • Oritenga (equity) which requires the Government to treat Māori equally and should result in equitable outcomes.

Also, please comment on the specific strengths of this candidate.

Candidates may be registered or enrolled nurses, may be new graduates, do not have to be in paid nursing work, must be under the age of 31 as at December 31st 2023, be resident in New Zealand, and a current financial member of NZNO.

There is a two-phase nomination assessment process:


  1. Shortlisting of up to six nominations by a subcommittee of the YNYA assessment panel convened for that purpose and comprising NZNO staff, Te Rūnanga representation, and a previous recipient of the YNYA using the above criteria.
  2. An opportunity for nominators and candidates on that shortlist to ‘meet’ the full YNYA assessment panel, by Zoom or similar, to respond verbally to set questions made available in advance. Pre-recording (filming) of nominators and candidates’ responses to these questions may also be an option.

Assessors will be looking for strong, detailed nominations that clearly evidence the strengths, achievements, and aspirations of the candidate. In addition to giving evidence of how the candidate meets the criteria listed above, further aspects that the assessment panel will be considering are as follows:

  • Is there a particular project that the nurse has been involved in, or is it a general, all-round nomination?
  • In what way are outcomes demonstrated, for example, has the nurse been accepted onto a programme by merit or have patient outcomes demonstrably improved?
  • How has the candidate contributed in a special way to a community or culture that stands out?
  • How does the candidate reflect the values of NZNO?
Nominations close 5pm 16 July 2023.

For the Nomination Form go to