Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand

A Māori nursing leader at Southern Cross Healthcare is bringing te ao Māori into the world of private surgical care, using his own research to back up this work.

NZNO pays tribute to the Māori King

NZNO - Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa has joined with the nation to mourn the passing of Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII.

Residents and families picket retirement village owners’ conference

Retirees, families and supporters turn out to picket $2000-a-head retirement village conference as aged care staff and care hours are being cut.

New Southern Cross scholarships will fund 17 AUT nursing students on clinical placements

Seventeen new scholarships are being launched to support "passionate" and under-represented Auckland University of Technology (AUT) nursing students on clinical placements over the next three years.

Ngāti Raukawa nurse honoured with Te Akenehi Hei Award

Whether it’s in Middlemore Hospital’s emergency department or in Auckland’s urban Māori community, Dhyanne Hohepa is a leader.

Wellington aged-care residents and staff win ‘faint concession’ after picket, petition

Wellington aged-care facility Village at the Park has shaved 42 hours off proposed nursing and caregiving cutbacks, after residents rallied behind staff with a picket and petition.

Green light to recruit 59 nurse graduates at Te Whatu Ora Waikato, in wake of job offer glitch

News that Te Whatu Ora Waikato is recruiting 59 nursing graduates into supported-entry roles at Waikato Hospital and other areas has made some of New Zealand's newest nurses "so happy".

Shauna Power humbled by wāhine toa scholarship

Inspired by her “Poppy” and driven by the need for better health outcomes for Māori, Shauna Power has set her sights on a career in nursing our country’s next generation.

Nursing workforce landscape ‘significantly changed’ — Te Whatu Ora

Te Whatu Ora says it is "committed to supporting" new nursing graduates who missed out on supported-entry roles to find work -- but not in New Zealand's public hospitals.

Extra buck an hour offer ‘insulting’, say community nurses as they go back out on strike

Community nurses say they are "disgusted" with a pay offer of one more dollar an hour from their employer, Access Community Health.

66 Waikato graduates in limbo after hospital job offer ‘glitch’

Sixty-six Hamilton graduates from Wintec's nursing school are in limbo after Te Whatu Ora Waikato mistakenly offered them supported-entry jobs -- then withdrew them due to a human "clerical error".

Jobless nursing graduates feel ‘heart-broken and abandoned’

Blindsided, abandoned and heart-broken -- these are the feelings of some of our newest nurse graduates who missed out on hospital jobs -- many of whom are heading to Australia.

Nursing Council drops 40-plus RN competencies in favour of six standards

The Nursing Council has listened to nurses and dropped a proposal to make registered nurses (RNs) meet 41 separate competencies and enrolled nurses (ENs) 29, after an outpouring of concern over the workload.

Three out of five nursing students to get hospital jobs, Te Whatu Ora figures show

Te Whatu Ora says it has employed 334 of the 535 mid-year nursing graduates who applied into supported entry roles -- leaving 166 facing uncertain futures in the general talent pool.

‘We are family’ — residents rally around nursing staff after bosses propose cutting 400 care hours

Upset residents and their families and friends turned out to support staff striking over a proposal to cut 400 care hours a week at a Wellington aged care facility.

Nursing students share pain, tears and laughter with heads of school

There wasn't a dry eye in the house recently as nursing tauira (students) spoke of their struggles, exhaustion and despair.

‘We work just as hard’ — community nurses strike for the same pay as hospitals

About 150 Access Community Health nursing staff went on strike around the country on this week, demanding the same pay and conditions as their Te Whatu Ora colleagues.

‘They have trampled on the mana of the future workforce’ — students in uproar over reports of hiring freeze

Confused, demoralised and "absolutely gutwrenched" -- these are the feelings of nursing tauira (students) after hearing Te Whatu Ora may be freezing mid-year graduate recruitment a week out from hiring decisions.

‘I want to be safe’ — a former nurse and resident begs retirement villages to stop cutting staff

Retired Wellington nurse Jiff Stewart spoke at Wednesday's picket against staff cuts outside retirement village owners' $2000-a-head conference. This is her kōrero.

Nurses — have we gone from hero to zero?

A Wellington nurse laments the way nurses are being treated lately after putting their lives on the line during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Emergency nurses share woes with health minister

After writing a concerned letter, NZNO's emergency nurses met Minister of Health Shane Reti earlier this year, to discuss the realities of working on the frontline. As rallies over unsafe staffing in EDs continue, they share some of their kōrero here.

Left out in the cold: Is it really about health budget constraints?

In an urgent call to better support New Zealand-trained nurses, senior Māori nursing lecturer at NorthTec, Pipi Barton (Ngāti Hikairo ki Kāwhia) recalls being an out-of-work nursing graduate in the 1990s.

Former Te Whatu Ora chair speaks up for nurses

Te Whatu Ora leaders say spending too much on nurses has pushed them into the red. Former chair Rob Campbell says nurses are part of the solution and must be supported with fair pay and safe staffing.

‘Wonderful’ aged-care nursing is undervalued, says long-time nurse

Long-time gerontology nurse Sally Fleming reckons working in aged care is extremely undervalued.

New nurse practitioner chair wants to see NP numbers grow ‘like ivy’

New chair of Nurse Practitioners NZ Chelsea Wilmott predicts NP numbers will soon double -- but warns nurses can be their own worst enemy.

Kiwi nurses help transform lives through Mercy Ships’ surgical care

Kiwi nurses who volunteer aboard Mercy Ships' floating hospitals at African ports, come back home with their passion for nursing invigorated.

Bringing te ao Māori into private surgical care

A Māori nursing leader at Southern Cross Healthcare is bringing te ao Māori into the world of private surgical care, and is using his own research to back up this work.

Former army medic recalls distressing memories, with return to Timor-Leste

A Canterbury nurse who served as an army medic in the East Timor crisis, has just visited the now-independent Timor-Leste with her old comrades. She has distressing memories of the brutality of that conflict.

Nurse specialist wants to help other nurses caring for rare cancer patients

An Auckland nurse specialist describes her work with patients who have neuroendocrine cancer, after returning from an international conference on the rare and often slow-moving disease.

Medicines and older Māori — ‘It is through shared conversations that I understand’

How do kaumātua view the medicines service they receive and how could it be improved? What ethnic variations are there in this service? This educational course focuses on medicines and older Māori and is relevant to nurses in primary care, alongside pharmacists and GPs.

Please send letters for publication to: [email protected]. We reserve the right to edit letters for sense and length, and will not publish letters that are libellous, incite racial, sexual or religious hatred or constitute personal attacks. Shorter letters (under 400 words) are preferred. Please include name, address, nursing qualifications and phone number.

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Letters from distressed new graduates

A range of new graduates -- upset and frustrated about not being placed in a job -- have shared their stories in these letters. Their names have been withheld by request.