Your mission: To use antimicrobials wisely
Antimicrobial resistance is a global threat to the effectiveness of these drugs. Here's what you can do about it.
Hosted Content
Fear of falling and risk to seniors’ independence
The threat that falling poses to a senior’s wellbeing and independence can be compounded by fear of falling. In turn that can drive the fall cycle - a self-perpetuating loop that can occur when an older person has a fall, which can lead to a loss of confidence, an increased fear of falling again and … Continue reading "Fear of falling and risk to seniors’ independence" |
‘We hung in there’ — southern Te Whatu Ora members celebrate 2023 pay equity achievement
Ashburton Te Whatu Ora members took a moment this month to celebrate 2023 as the year they won a "significant" pay equity settlement after a seven-year uphill battle -- a win they hope paves the way for other nurses and health workers. |
Smokefree rollback ‘deeply, widely felt’ by nurses, say Christchurch protestors
About 200 nurses, health workers and other opponents of the Government's decision to roll back the SmokeFree Aotearoa legislation turned out in Christchurch today for a third protest against the move. |
‘Dirty back-room deal’ — nurses, health workers and Māori rally over Smokefree law repeal
Nurses and kaiāwhina joined Māori health providers, doctors and public health advocates at rallies in Auckland and Wellington this week to protest against the new Government's shock decision to repeal Smokefree Aotearoa laws. |
‘I’m here to listen’ — new Minister of Health opens doors to NZNO nurse leaders for ongoing kōrero
After a recent late night kōrero with new Minister of Health Shane Reti, NZNO -- Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa leaders have described him as "warm" and committed to Māori and rebuilding a homegrown nursing workforce. |
Nurses, health workers stand up against ‘incomprehensible’ Smokefree rollback
Nurses and NZNO -- Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa are joining a wave of outrage and protest from health, iwi and community organisations over the Government's shock decision to repeal world-first smokefree laws. |
Late-in-life nurse wins award for changing patients’ home lives
A Lower Hutt nurse has received the 2023 nurse investigator award from the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ) for her research into how nurses can improve patients’ social, economic and physical environments. |
Whakarongorau’s telehealth nurses finally settle pay deal
After eight months of negotiations, two strikes, nationwide rallies and mediation, frontline nurses have finally voted to accept a new offer from national telehealth service Whakarongorau -- calling off two looming strikes. |
Language matters — patients are not ‘naughty’
A recently graduated registered nurse shares her reflections on the power of words -- and how nurses can fall in the trap of talking down to patients. |
Māori nurses must be recognised as taonga — and key to a future with equal health for all
50 years after nurse education moved out of hospitals, Māori health professor and former nurse Denise Wilson reflects on the "ugly" backlash over cultural safety -- and challenges the profession to make way for Māori leaders. |
Your mission: To use antimicrobials wisely
There are many ways that health professionals can help prevent antimicrobial resistance, a worldwide problem which threatens the effectiveness of these important drugs. |
The benefits of a bedside nursing handover
Nursing educators emphasise the benefits of bedside nursing handover. A final-year nursing student was surprised to find she never saw it happen during her clinical placements. |
It’s cool to kōrero — January 2024
Hipi -- sheep |
Isabelle Sherrard — an education journey
As New Zealand marks 50 years since nurse training moved out of hospitals and became a tertiary qualification, Kaitiaki looks back at the massive changes in nursing education through the eyes of former nursing school head Isabelle Sherrard. |
Please send letters for publication to: [email protected]. We reserve the right to edit letters for sense and length, and will not publish letters that are libellous, incite racial, sexual or religious hatred or constitute personal attacks. Shorter letters (under 400 words) are preferred. Please include name, address, nursing qualifications and phone number. |
It’s cool to kōrero — November 2023
Ngeru -- cat |
‘Kerri Nuku needs to stick with nursing and leave history to the experts’
Kerri Nuku needs to stick with nursing and leave history to the experts. |
Stop the repeal of Smokefree legislation, say respiratory nurses
The NZNO college of respiratory nurses demands the Government stop the repeal of the Smokefree legislation. |
PhD student sought for research project on elimination of tuberculosis among Māori
Nau mai haere mai. Join us for a three-year PhD studentship within the Centre for International Health, University of Otago. The team is a collaboration between researchers in the Waikato region and the University of Otago. We have a Health Research Council (HRC) research project entitled “Elimination of tuberculosis (TB) for Māori in Aotearoa New … Continue reading "PhD student sought for research project on elimination of tuberculosis among Māori" |
2024 skills and training scholarships offered to union members and families
The Northern Drivers' Charitable Trust (NDCT) is a registered charitable trust that was established in 1987. |
Colleges & Sections
First nursing leadership conference in three years aims to ‘create great’
About 100 nurses and nurse leaders attended the nursing leadership conference 'Creating great - leading into the future' held over two days in Whanganui recently. |