March 2024

Helping to ensure your older patients are safer at home

February 28, 2024

The independence of older adults is facilitated by living in their own homes which enables greater autonomy and closer connections with their family, friends, and community. Living at home for as long as possible is highly valued by older adults1, and is consistent with social policy that older adults should ‘age in place’ including those who require care and support2.

Read more... Helping to ensure your older patients are safer at home

December 2023

Fear of falling and risk to seniors’ independence

December 13, 2023

The threat that falling poses to a senior’s wellbeing and independence can be compounded by fear of falling. In turn that can drive the fall cycle – a self-perpetuating loop that can occur when an older person has a fall, which can lead to a loss of confidence, an increased fear of falling again and a consequent restriction of their physical activities, which can render them more vulnerable to future falls.

Read more... Fear of falling and risk to seniors’ independence