Annual plan updated

March 1, 2021

NZNO’s draft annual plan has been revised and updated to include the three pillars included in the organisation’s 2021-2025 strategic plan and to update the plan’s key priorities, chief executive Memo Musa told the board.

The strategic plan’s three pillars are:

  • effective and sustainable organisation;
  • skilled, strong workforces; and
  • influencing improved health outcomes.

Each pillar has four dimensions:

  • membership driven – ka peia te mematanga;
  • effective communication – whawhitinga kōrero;
  • equity – oritetanga; and
  • effective.

Updates to the plan included the Government’s key focus areas for the next three years and the response to COVID-19.

After discussion, the board asked that a more comprehensive and visible marketing and communication plan be incorporated into the annual planning cycles “to maximise visibility and revenue opportunities”.

The board received the revised and updated draft annual plan.


Any further board feedback will be included in the final annual plan to be presented to the board next month.

This article has been written from reports and minutes taken from the February 2021 board of directors’ meeting.