Is there a way to get Kaitiaki as a PDF?

March 25, 2022

Now that the NZNO monthly magazine is only online, I have been trying to find a downloadable file so I can read the magazine offline.

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I had been looking for a week or two and decided then to contact the co-editors to find out what was what.

Basically they said that the latest magazine is only available on the website and not downloadable. Only archived copies of magazines from last year are available to download.

“What?” I thought. “This is definitely a backward step.” Being able to download a pdf file of the magazine seemed to be the logical way to go. You can read it offline — sure there would be some data use to initially download it — but now you need data to be able to read it. Offline, you can go back to it relatively easy and read where you left off.

I belong to two other organisations that have cut paper magazines but provided a pdf file to download.

These days, a lot of folk have tablets, phones, computers. Electronic documents are gaining traction; even libraries have access to ebooks.

I understand NZNO is using the WordPress format to form the basis of the upload which makes it easy to publish the magazine. Perhaps a pdf needs a more traditional formatting paper design/formatting approach? That’s the technical aspect from an ex-website developer’s point of view — albeit rusty.

I’m sure other members would appreciate the ability to be able to download the magazine offline and read at their leisure.

Chris Hattan, RN,


Co-editors’ response to Chris Hattan: Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand is no longer a hard copy magazine, but members can download a printable PDF bundle of our web stories at the end of each month, here.