MARCH 2023 crossword

March 20, 2023

Print out the grid (using PRINT tab at the bottom right of this page) and use the clues below. February’s answers are below the clues.


1) Removal of breast tumour.
6) Welsh vegetable.
7) Where baked beans come from.
8) H2O in solid form.
10) Disease caused by faulty multiplication of cells.
11) Pink-skinned sausage.
13) One side, in sport.
14) Produces heat for hospital.
15) Not passive.
17) Outdoor political gathering.
19) Plant symbolising NZ.
20) Step on ladder.
22) Respiratory disease.
23) Weariness.
24) Fruit featured in Garden of Eden.


1) Most recent.
2) Adult male.
3) Massive spiralling storm.
4) Kindness, hospitality (Māori).
5) Oldest, most common alcoholic drink.
6) Find.
9) Able to recover from adversity.
12) Full of feeling.
14) Antibiotics are their enemy.
16) Make a mistake.
18) Portable computer.
21) Encourage.

February answers
ACROSS: 1. Cannula. 4. Squawk. 7. Ethical. 9. Our. 10. Toad. 13. Keen. 15. Tautoko. 19. Rat. 21. Penicillin. 22. Optimistic. 24. Weave. 25. Surrender.
DOWN: 1. Cast. 2. Needle. 3. Acids. 5. Ado. 6. Kōrero. 8. Locum. 11. Worry. 12. Hospice. 14. Educate. 16. Snooker. 17. Climbed. 20. Triage. 23. Chat.
