Nursing Research Section supports nurses’ growth

October 1, 2021

Nau mai, haere mai ki a koutou e te whānau tapuhi. Te Roopu Nursing Research Section/Te Wāhanga Rangahau Tapuhi (NRS) is one of a number of colleges and sections which form the professional arm of NZNO.

Our kaupapa is to support tapuhi across all areas to raise the profile of nursing research.


Since the inception of NRS in 1975, we have encouraged nurses in their research by providing opportunities to collaborate with other researchers, professional groups and relevant experts in nursing practice and academia. We also provide a platform to share knowledge and practice innovations to enhance evidence-based nursing practice.


We are continuing to explore how we can support our nursing research community. Recently, Te Roopu NRS has initiated kōrero with Te Poari o Te Rūnanga o Aotearoa to ensure our collective hikoi is not only fulfilling our obligations to te Tiriti but also upholding an equity lens at our table.

Te Roopu NRS committee includes passionate individuals from diverse fields of nursing practice, research and education. Our chair, Louise Chan, has extensive expertise in mental health nursing and is associate director of nursing for mental health, addictions and intellectual disability services for Capital & Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa District Health Boards (DHBs).

NRS secretary Ruth Crawford has undertaken research on inpatient child and youth health, drug and alcohol rehabilitation and medical and surgical nursing. Crawford is director of the School of Nursing, Health and Wellness at Te Kura Matatini (Western Institute of Technology) in Taranaki.


Our treasurer, Debra Coates, has expertise in fields such as paediatric intensive care, neonates and special care baby unit, paediatric surgery, public health nursing and leadership. She is a senior lecturer at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology in the Bay of Plenty and also completing a doctor of health science at Auckland University of Technology (AUT).

Southern District Health Board nurse consultant Lorraine Ritchie is a gerontology researcher and professional practice fellow for postgraduate nursing studies at the University of Otago.

AUT nursing lecturer and gerontology researcher Priya Saravanakumar has substantial experience in nursing education, research and leadership.

Otago Polytechnic nursing lecturer Rachel Sayers is an experienced clinical researcher interested in paediatric nursing.

Ara Institute of Canterbury senior nursing lecturer Kylie Short has extensive experience in nursing practice and education is currently reading for her PhD.

Kathryn Tenant, who has held several clinical and leadership roles in the United Kingdom, is currently clinical nurse specialist (research) at Waitemata DHB.

Te Roopu NRS is supported by NZNO professional nursing and competency advisor Wendy Blair.

If you are passionate about your specialty and want to further your evidence-based practice, joining NRS will open up opportunities to engage in research and professional development.

Our bi-monthly newsletter SNIPS Bulletin shares valuable information on current events and research relevant to our membership.

This year, our forum, Promoting change into the future, is about nursing research, review and inquiry.

It is being held on December 3 in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland). Further details here.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou. Te Roopu NRS welcomes you to our whānau. We look forward to meeting with you kanohi ki te kanohi in December.

Ka kite anō au i a koutou. Kia pai te rā.