Residents and families picket retirement village owners’ conference

August 28, 2024

Retirees, families and supporters turn out to picket $2000-a-head retirement village conference as aged care staff and care hours are being cut.

It was an older but loud crowd chanting “safe aged care is a human right” outside Wellington’s Tākina venue where the Retirement Village Association (RVA) was holding a $2000-a head conference.

‘We applaud the retirees who are standing up and asking for their voices to be heard, and showing their support for nurses and caregivers.’

“Do you know how much carer time $2000 buys? Well, about 80 hours,” village resident and retired nurse Jiff Stewart told the picketers. “That’s how much — two weeks of carer work, for one conference registration fee.”

Retirees Jiff Stewart and Terese O’Connell speaking at Wednesday’s rally.

Stewart is part of a group of Wellington retirees working with unions NZNO — Tōpūtanga Taphui Kaitiaki o Aotearoa and E tū to push for changes to support safe staffing and quality aged care.


One Wellington aged-care facility, Village at the Park, owned by the Arvida Group, has proposed cuts of about 400 care hours a week — although has since agreed to keep one 40-hour shift.

‘For the time I have left I do want to be  in safe hands’

But NZNO chief executive Paul Goulter said several others  — Bupa, Oceania, Metlife Care and Summerset — were also proposing cuts.

Retired nurse Gill Regan at the rally.

“We applaud the retirees who are standing up and asking for their voices to be heard, and showing their support for nurses and caregivers.”

NZNO wanted legally mandated safe staffing levels in aged care, and across the health sector, as was the case in Australia.

In a poignant kōrero, Stewart said she didn’t expect to live happily ever after these days — “glimpses of joy, perhaps, from a kind word, a gentle hand, moments of engagement.

“But, for the time I have left I do want to be in safe hands.”

See also: I want to be safe

  • Sign the petition to stop the cuts.
  • Write to the Health Minister, Shane Reti ([email protected]) and Minister for Seniors, Casey Costello ([email protected]), raising your concerns.
  • At election time, make sure aged-care policies and funding are on the agenda.
  • If you are in care or know someone in care, report any concerns to any of the following organisations:

* Aged Care Commissioner
* Age Concern Wellington
* Grey Power
* Retirement Villages Residents Association NZ

Get involved with your union!

NZNO Te Rūnanga members Margaret Hand and Ana Maria Watene at the rally.