Vote for president and vice-president

August 1, 2021

Voting is open now for a new NZNO president and vice-president.

  • Four nominations have been received for the position of president and three for the position of vice-president. The profiles of these election candidates can be read below. (NB: These profiles are not edited by Kai Tiaki staff.)
  • Kerri Nuku was the sole nomination for the position of kaiwhakahaere and Titihuia Pakeho the only nomination for tumu whakarae so both are elected unopposed.
  • Members will have received voter packs by email or post earlier this month.
  • Voting closes at 12 noon on Friday, September 10.

PRESIDENT – four candidates

Anne DanielsAnne DANIELS

Professional qualifications

  • RGON, BHSc, PG Dip in Leadership and Quality, MHSc (Hons)
  • Expert Nurse on PDRP (current) – in Dunedin Hospital Emergency Department
  • ED – Triage, Resuscitation, Early Assessment Zone, Fast Track
  • ED Research Nurse (current)
  • Health and Safety Representative for ED – Unit 29315 (current)
  • NZNO Delegate Training Level 4

Candidate statement

Our union needs to change. How? I helped write the current strategic plan, advocating for a member led union. A constitution that reflects this ideal where members’ priorities are heard, acted on, a union that empowers members to take the lead, and an infrastructure to support the realisation of members’ hopes for nurses and nursing in New Zealand is next. Right now, nurses must win fair and equitable pay and safe staffing to enable us to do our job the way we are meant to. In 2019, I co-wrote a successful remit to start the work towards safe staffing legislation. This must happen to keep our government, public/private nurse employers accountable. I am a delegate of 30 years with integrity, standing for President to work with all members so we can be Freed to care, proud to nurse. Want to know more? Please contact me. Go to

Previous relevant experience

  • RGON – CCU, Medical, CRN, CNM ED.
  • Convenor/Delegate Thames Hospital/WDHB Regional Council.
  • Delegate leader for nurse colleagues on strike (1999 and 2021).
  • NMAC for NZNO Board of Directors for 6 years.
  • Nursing Research Committee Member/Conference Convenor/Chair.
  • Delegate Dunedin Hospital ED/Regional Council/2021 (current).
  • Liaison delegate and SDHB LPS negotiator/Reference Group (current).

Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

  • SDHB RN employee.

Method of campaigning

Diane McCullochDiane McCULLOCH

Professional qualifications

  • Master of Health Science Nursing
  • Bachelor of Health Science Nursing

Candidate statement

NZNO is positioned to represent nurses and will bring about positive change. As a Board member, involved in strategic planning and governance I continue to learn. I owned my own business, am a clinical expert and am leading the current constitution review. I continue to champion nursing/medical and paramedic students, from these experiences I have been trained in and continue to learn about human resource development and accountability. My aim is that we will be a leading voice and have a seat at the table before decisions are made that effect our working environment. This will include increasing our membership, developing position papers, creating new alliances with government and industry, creatively involving students, and taking up important nursing issues. It would be my great honour to take these next steps with you as your President.

Previous relevant experience

I display effective communication skills as a Board and committee member. My business enabled me to interact with staff and customers. I have the displayed character and integrity in my decisions within nursing and NZNO. I practice effective cross-cultural communication. I am self-aware and prioritize personal development. I develop others encouraging strategic thinking, innovation, and action by developing guidelines and protocols and training.

Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

  • Board member NZNO
  • Workplace Delegate
  • Member Greater Auckland Regional Council

Method of campaigning

  • Personal Facebook page
  • Poster at work
  • Word of mouth – colleagues/friends
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 021 772 603

Tracey MorganTracey MORGAN

Professional qualifications

  • Postgraduate certificate in Primary Health Care
  • Speciality Nursing in Wellchild/Tamariki Ora, New Zealand Royal Plunket Society/Whitireia Community Polytechnic, New Zealand, 2008
  • Registered General Nurse, Eastern Institute of Technology, New Zealand, 2006

Candidate statement

I am the current Acting President for NZNO. I value the contribution of all members and their aspirations. I am a skilled Practice Nurse Manager who utilises an integrated partnership approach, and clinical and cultural expertise across governance and project boards. I have extensive knowledge of ensuring the voice of the people and their whānau are integrated using Models of Care as a way of normalising culturally responsive practices. I am committed to ensuring equity across systems and services and students, staff, whānau and communities are valued. I consistently integrate both Non-Māori and Māori Mātauranga, worldviews as an authentic contributor to innovation and change management. I am a positive role model who creates opportunities to engage with nurses. I am passionate about creating advanced nursing pathways and creating strategies for recruitment and retention of all Nurses while ensuring they are supported and have access to cultural supervision.

Previous relevant experience

  • NERF Elected Board member
  • Te Aute College and Marae Board Trustee
  • Hawkes Bay DHB Nursing Midwifery Shared Governance
  • Te Poari NZNO
  • MWWL Waipatu
  • Nga Ringa Manaaki Māori Nurses Forum
  • NZNO Primary Health National Executive Committee
  • NZNO Te Rau Kokiri Project Team
  • Te Rūnanga Rep – Te Rūnanga Tauira and NSU

Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

I declare that I have to the best of my knowledge no conflicts of interest.


Method of campaigning

Clivena NgataiClivena NGATAI

Professional qualifications

  • Dip. Bus admin (Health Management)
  • BA Health Science (Nursing)

Candidate statement

My commitment to nursing is as strong now as it was when I first started. My vision for nursing is to promote excellence in patient care, contribute to and advocate for the development of nursing education programs and the ongoing professional development of members. Strengthening workforce planning, sustainability and leadership, and ensuring NZNO is engaged with their members and understands the issues that nurses today face.

Manaakitanga encompasses how I nurse today. Upholding the values of integrity, honesty, trust is my central focus ensuring the “mana” of both NZNO and nursing is upheld.

Previous relevant experience

My specialty is surgery. My main area is the perioperative setting; however, I have also run radiology department, district nursing and been a clinical service manager for a private practice. I have worked in Christchurch, Auckland, Hamilton and now Rotorua as the Charge Nurse Manager of Operating theatres.

Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

I hereby declare that I have no conflict of interest and will remain impartial and unbiased in my duties as a Board member of NZNO representing the nursing workforce.

Method of campaigning

VICE PRESIDENT – three candidates

Cheryl HammondCheryl HAMMOND

Professional Qualifications

  • RN, Post graduate diploma, EN

Candidate statement

I’m currently working as a Clinical Nurse Specialist with 43 years of experience, passion and enthusiasm is what I feel about nursing and its future. Nursing needs strong leadership to address current retention and recruitment issues, I believe I can provide this with my passion and leadership skills and my political awareness. Nurses need to be at the forefront for any change within health. As an active member of NZNO, National delegate and member of Regional Council, I understand NZNO diversity within its organisation and the roles others contribute to the organisation. I have governance, leadership/management experience and financial acumen, bringing a new voice to the table, with an opportunity to make a difference to nursing and ensure our membership stays strong. I believe in honesty, integrity and openness, I am dependable and knowledgeable and take my responsibilities and commitment seriously.

Previous relevant experience

  • Past Board member and Audit and Risk Chair
  • Previous member Institute of directors
  • Managing and leading nursing teams

Declaration of Conflicts of Interest


Method of campaigning

Tracey MorganTracey MORGAN

Professional qualifications

  • Postgraduate certificate in Primary Health Care
  • Speciality Nursing in Wellchild/Tamariki Ora, New Zealand Royal Plunket Society/Whitireia Community Polytechnic, New Zealand, 2008
  • Registered General Nurse, Eastern Institute of Technology, New Zealand, 2006

Candidate statement

I am the current Acting President for NZNO. I value the contribution of all members and their aspirations. I am a skilled Practice Nurse Manager who utilises an integrated partnership approach, and clinical and cultural expertise across governance and project boards. I have extensive knowledge of ensuring the voice of the people and their whānau are integrated using Models of Care as a way of normalising culturally responsive practices. I am committed to ensuring equity across systems and services and students, staff, whānau and communities are valued. I consistently integrate both Non-Māori and Māori Mātauranga, worldviews as an authentic contributor to innovation and change management. I am a positive role model who creates opportunities to engage with nurses. I am passionate about creating advanced nursing pathways and creating strategies for recruitment and retention of all Nurses while ensuring they are supported and have access to cultural supervision.

Previous relevant experience

  • NERF Elected Board member
  • Te Aute College and Marae Board Trustee
  • Hawkes Bay DHB Nursing Midwifery Shared Governance
  • Te Poari NZNO
  • MWWL Waipatu
  • Nga Ringa Manaaki Maori Nurses Forum
  • NZNO Primary Health National Executive Committee
  • NZNO Te Rau Kokiri Project Team
  • Te Rūnanga Rep – Te Rūnanga Tauira and NSU

Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

I declare that I have to the best of my knowledge no conflicts of interest.

Method of campaigning

Nano TunnicliffNano TUNNICLIFF

Professional qualifications

  • Diploma of Health Science (Nursing),
  • Bachelor of Nursing,
  • Post graduate certificate in musculoskeletal management,
  • Post graduate Diploma in Nursing.

Candidate statement

I am an active member who has been involved in all levels of NZNO. I have over 30 years’ experience as a workplace delegate. I am currently a regional council member. I was a founding member on the National DHB delegates committee. I have been a NZNO negotiation team member, Board of Directors representative and former NZNO President. I am passionate about nursing and health.

I want to see improved transparency of governance processes at NZNO and will work towards the goal of the strategic plan to ensure that NZNO is a membership driven organisation. I will advocate for nurse patient ratios and delivery of pay equity to all NZNO members regardless of where they work.

I will work collaboratively with all NZNO members to ensure that our organisation delivers on NZNO members being “Freed to care, Proud to Nurse”.

Previous relevant experience

My diverse clinical nursing experience and NZNO membership activities have developed my governance skills, leadership skills and strategic abilities. My service record reflects my passion for nursing and health.

Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

  • Employee at CCDHB.

Method of campaigning