October 2020 vol 26 no 9
Negotiations at Boulcott Hospital
October 1, 2020
A second day of negotiations for NZNO members working at Lower Hutt’s Boulcott Hospital is scheduled for later this month.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
A second day of negotiations for NZNO members working at Lower Hutt’s Boulcott Hospital is scheduled for later this month.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Two days of negotiations for the national hospice multi-employer collective agreement (MECA) were due to be held in Wellington earlier this month.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
NZNO and Family Planning were to attend mediation earlier this month after members rejected a proposed settlement.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Senior, Registered and enrolled nurses working for community health provider Access Healthcare were voting on whether to ratify an inaugural collective agreement (CA) as Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand went to press.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Being professional does not preclude us from being political. In fact, being political is a key element of being a member of a profession. In the case of nursing, every time we advocate for a patient, whānau or community to receive care, we are behaving politically.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
The Green Party has emerged on top in a Council of Trade Unions’ (CTU) assessment of the five major political parties’ industrial relations policies.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Achieving or maintaining pay parity with district health board (DHB) staff is a key claim across all NZNO’s current round of negotiations with major aged-care chains.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Nurses must be fully aware of how to maintain patient safety and confidentiality when providing health care via a virtual platform.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Reaching an enduring pay equity settlement for the country’s nurses is neither straightforward nor speedy. Rather, it’s like navigating a tortuous and unknown route, to a long-desired destination.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
Anne-Maree Wagg, from the infection, prevention and control nurses’ college, will join Brent Doncliff as a college and section representative on NZNO’s membership committee.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
The college of critical care nurses wants more support for nurses in New Zealand intensive care units (ICUs) to become fully qualified.
October 2020 vol 26 no 9
October 1, 2020
A diverse range of speakers at the New Zealand Nursing Leaders’ Summit discussed the role of whānau in patient recovery, equity in health care and how nurses can transform primary health care and tackle inequity. The summit, held virtually on September 2-3, drew 160 participants.