July 2024

‘My God you’re influential — use it’. Call to action for nurses, kaiāwhina and midwives to push for safe staffing

July 9, 2024

The real-life stories of nurses, combined with hard evidence on the harm caused by poorly staffed hospitals, are crucial to getting safe nurse-to-patient ratios legalised here in Aotearoa, nurse leaders heard.

Read more... ‘My God you’re influential — use it’. Call to action for nurses, kaiāwhina and midwives to push for safe staffing

November 2023

‘I won’t be silenced’ — Gisborne Hospital nurse whistleblower fears she is a target after disciplinary attempt

October 9, 2023

Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa–NZNO is taking legal action to support Gisborne Hospital ward 5 nurse Christine Warrander after hospital managers threatened her with disciplinary action over a social media post.

Read more... ‘I won’t be silenced’ — Gisborne Hospital nurse whistleblower fears she is a target after disciplinary attempt

June 2023

‘This is for every other nurse in New Zealand’ — Gisborne ward 5 nurses celebrate right to strike over safety fears

May 24, 2023

Gisborne Hospital ward 5 nurses and health-care assistants are jubilant over winning the right to strike for safer conditions and say it opens the door for other nurses struggling in unsafe conditions to take action.

Read more... ‘This is for every other nurse in New Zealand’ — Gisborne ward 5 nurses celebrate right to strike over safety fears