By co-editor Mary Longmore
November 1, 2020
COVID-19 has provided a great opportunity to “reset” aged care and create a culture where older people can “flourish”, said person-centred care expert and nursing professor at Edinburgh’s Queen Margaret University, Brendon McCormack.
Read more... The power of older person-centred care
By co-editor Anne Manchester
November 1, 2020
A new Ministry of Health report has highlighted the incidence of COVID-19 among health-care workers and the need for a nationally consistent approach to managing pandemics in the aged residential care sector.
Read more... Aged residential care workers hit hard by COVID-19
By Kai Tiaki editors
November 1, 2020
NZNO is working with the Public Service Association (PSA) over staff and patient safety concerns at Wellington Hospital’s mental health and addictions service, Te Whare o Matairangi (TWM).
Read more... Wellington mental health staff ‘burning out’
By Kai Tiaki editors
November 1, 2020
A nurse working in an Auckland COVID-19 isolation facility says she has “never felt so professionally compromised”.
Read more... ‘Never felt so professionally compromised’
By Kai Tiaki editors
November 1, 2020
NZNO’s district health board multi-employer collective agreement (DHB MECA) bargaining team is now waiting on information from the DHBs themselves in order to progress their claims.
Read more... MECA claims underway
By Kai Tiaki editors
November 1, 2020
NZNO leaders say they are looking forward to working with the new Minister of Health Andrew Little as soon as possible.
Read more... NZNO ready to meet new Health Minister
By Kai Tiaki editors
November 1, 2020
NZNO issued a strike notice late last month covering some 3200 primary health care (PHC) nurses and receptionist/administration staff across more than 500 practices and accident/medical centres nationwide.
Read more... Plan for more strike action finalised
By Kai Tiaki editors
November 1, 2020
NZNO WOMEN’S health college chair Denise Braid is welcoming the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) decision to review all declined injury claims related to surgical mesh since 2005.
Read more... NZNO welcomes mesh review
By Kai Tiaki editors
November 1, 2020
NZNO will start drawing up guidelines for nurses over the next 12 months on how to work within the new end-of-life law next year.
Read more... How will end-of-life law affect nurses?
By Kerri Nuku
November 1, 2020
The harm caused by racism and discrimination can never be justified and is hard to heal.
Read more... The kaiwhakahaere comments
By NZNO college of gerontology nursing secretary Gayleen Watkins
November 1, 2020
NZNO on ARC pandemic plan; ARC nurses seek feedback on the “geriatric 5Ms”; and Otago gerontology nurse Margaret Stevenson is inducted onto the NZNO college of gerontology nursing’s honour roll.
Read more... Aged care
By NZNO acting associate professional services manager Kate Weston with co-editor Mary Longmore
November 1, 2020
The neonatal nurses’ college Aotearoa (NNCA) ran a day of workshops in October for nurse practitioners and those on the pathway, nurse managers, leaders and those who collect the data for the Australia and New Zealand neonatal network (ANZNN).
Read more... Neonatal nurses share learning
By Waikato emergency nurse Katy Cryer
November 1, 2020
After a year of restrictions, more than 120 school and youth nurses, counsellors and other health professionals came together at the inaugural school and youth nurse symposium Where Nursing and Youth unite – connect, collaborate & coordinate, held in September at Hamilton’s Rototuna High School.
Read more... Youth and school nurses come together
By Jill Clendon
November 1, 2020
It is possible to challenge our own biases and assumptions, and train ourselves to focus on the individual in front of us.
Read more... Talking about unconscious bias
By Stephen Neville
November 1, 2020
The demography of older adults living in Aotearoa largely mirrors international trends and that includes a growing ageing population.1
Read more... Celebrating older age diversity
By co-editors Mary Longmore, Teresa O'Connor and Anne Manchester.
November 1, 2020
Walking “beside” Māori whānau and communities is critically important, Māori health leaders say. And nurses are well-placed to “get alongside” to support them.
Read more... ‘Listening more important than telling’
By Tracy Haddon
November 1, 2020
The story of Te Rūnanga O Aotearoa is part of the ongoing growth of the voice of wāhine Māori.
Read more... Honouring the voices of Māori women
By Claire Budge and Melanie Taylor
November 1, 2020
The fifth and final of a series of professional education articles based on the Talking about Health study looks at the relationships between people with long-term conditions and general practice nurses and doctors.
Read more... Talking about health: Experiences with the general practice team and support for self-management
By co-editors Mary Longmore, Teresa O'Connor and Anne Manchester.
November 1, 2020
“My clients are your patients,” said public health nurse Lizzy Kepa-Henry in her address to the conference. “But I am only one person working across two Work and Income [WINZ] sites in Porirua and Naenae, and one of only three registered nurses working in WINZ sites nationally.”
Read more... Porirua public health nurse works at the ‘flax roots’ to cultivate wellbeing
By co-editors Mary Longmore, Teresa O'Connor and Anne Manchester
November 1, 2020
A transplant hui held earlier this year enabled Māori to hear stories of organ donation and to share open conversations about the process.
Read more... Organ donation a key issue for Māori