February 2021 vol 27 no 1
NZNO keen to see members vaccinated
February 1, 2021
NZNO would be encouraging members to have a COVID-19 vaccination unless they had a medical reason not to, acting industrial services manager Glenda Alexander said.
February 2021 vol 27 no 1
February 1, 2021
NZNO would be encouraging members to have a COVID-19 vaccination unless they had a medical reason not to, acting industrial services manager Glenda Alexander said.
February 2021 vol 27 no 1
February 1, 2021
There had been “a significant number” of applications for the NZNO chief executive (CE) role, board member Simon Auty told Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand.
February 2021 vol 27 no 1
February 1, 2021
The International Council of Nurses (ICN) congress this year will be a virtual affair. With the theme, Nursing Around the World, it will take place virtually on November 2-4.
February 2021 vol 27 no 1
February 1, 2021
A recently-released international policy brief lays out a 10-point plan to support older nurses – those aged over 55 – to stay at work.
Read more... Older nurses should have support to keep working to stay in the workforce
February 2021 vol 27 no 1
February 1, 2021
New Zealand’s nursing workforce reached close to 60,000 last year – 59,866 to be exact – according to the Nursing Council’s annual report for the year ending March 31, 2020.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
Manawatu continence nurse Lucy Keedle hopes to bring a nurse’s “holistic” perspective to the Ministry of Health’s (MoH) surgical mesh round table.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
Primary health care (PHC) nurses took to the streets again last month in their first-ever 24-hour strike.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
NZNO leaders have requested a meeting with new Health Minister Andrew Little, to discuss health inequities, workforce issues, racism, safe staffing and the impacts of COVID-19.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
One “silver lining” from COVID-19 was seeing nurses step up to lead the country’s response in areas such as personal protective equipment (PPE), contact-tracing and infection prevention and control (IPC), departing chief nurse Margareth Broodkoorn told Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
Te Aniwa Sullivan began using her birth name 15 years ago. Until then, and especially during her school and nurse training days, she was known as Doey (a family nickname), Daphne or Toni. Because school teachers couldn’t pronounce her name, they decided what name they would call her.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
Departing NZNO chief executive Memo Musa is returning to his nursing practice specialty, with a new role in the mental health and addiction sector.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand will be available online in 2021, following a 2015 remit to offer members a choice of either a printed or electronic copy.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
There will be fewer NZNO professional forums in 2021 due to the uncertainties of COVID-19, but members will have the option of joining via Zoom, professional nursing adviser (PNA) Catherine Lambe says.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
NZNO member Erin Kennedy, delegate Darren Swan and organiser Jo Coffey presented a petition with nearly 1000 signatures to the Capital & Coast District Health Board (CCDHB) in December protesting car-parking fee increases for staff.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
As part of the celebrations to mark the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife at the Whanganui District Health Board, a display of nursing medals was mounted in the cabinet in the main hospital corridor.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
When words are not enough, there is always singing. This is the philosophy behind the Wellington group Whakaahuru – The Gentle Singers.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
Nurses working in Auckland’s managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) facilities are being declined Christmas leave due to ongoing staff shortages, says an NZNO organiser.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
Concerns about safe staffing at managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) facilities, particularly in Auckland, continue to be reported to NZNO, acting associate professional services manager Kate Weston said.
December 2020 / January 2021 vol 26 no 11
December 1, 2020
The effect of COVID-19 on conducting research is highlighted in the 2020 issue of NZNO’s research journal, Kai Tiaki Nursing Research (KTNR).
November 2020 vol 26 no 10
November 1, 2020
NZNO is working with the Public Service Association (PSA) over staff and patient safety concerns at Wellington Hospital’s mental health and addictions service, Te Whare o Matairangi (TWM).