Election 2023: Voting ‘paramount’ for nurses, health workers
'There's quite a lot at stake here' -- nurses, health-care assistants, migrant nurses and students urged to have their say.
Call to unite, prepare for looming political threats to health system and unions
Disrespect us at your peril' -- nurses and NZNO urged to fight racism and protect a health system for all.
How can we fund the public health system we need?
A revamped fairer tax system is vital for the country to be able to afford the health system it needs.
‘Shining star’ Bernie wins most outstanding kaiāwhina award
A long-time health-care assistant (HCA), described as a "shining star" by colleagues, has won the "most outstanding" kaiāwhina award at a new Manawatū event which throws a spotlight on caregivers. |
Emergency nurse ‘flow bros’ finally win back pay
After a three-and-a-half year battle, 18 Wellington nurses are celebrating winning hundreds of thousands of dollars in back pay after their role as patient flow coordinators at Wellington Hospital emergency department (ED) was underpaid for 13 years. |
‘Without us, there’s nothing’ — more strikes considered by telehealth nurses
Telehealth nurses from crisis services like Healthline, ambulance triaging and 111 mental health response are considering two more strikes after rejecting the latest pay offer from employer Whakarongorau, which they say doesn't reflect their value. |
Election 2023: Voting ‘paramount’ for nurses, health workers
Nurses and health workers are urging all health professionals to get out and vote in this Saturday's general election. |
Election 2023: Nurses take the political pulse
We bring you Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki Aotearoa – NZNO's election scorecard, where nurses run an eye over political parties’ health policies ahead of the October 14 general election. |
‘I found myself drowning’ — the challenges for Māori working in the health system
A panel of Māori nurses shared their experiences of "werohia ngā ture" -- challenging the system and being "unapologetically Māori" at NZNO's 2023 conference. |
Call to unite, prepare for looming political threats to health system and unions
'Disrespect us at your peril' -- nurses and NZNO urged to fight racism and protect a health system for all. |
Minister’s diagnosis: Health system ‘in recovery’ but risk of relapse high without enough funding
In recovery -- but facing relapse with any reversal of funding, was Minister of Health Ayesha Verrall's "diagnosis" of the health system, at the recent Tōpūtanga Tapuhi o Kaitiaki Aotearoa -- NZNO annual general meeting (AGM). |
Pasifika young nurse of the year draws on his own ‘tough’ experiences in sexual health work
Tōpūtanga Tapuhi o Kaitiaki Aotearoa -- NZNO's young nurse of the year John Fa'ukafa says the "tough" times he endured as a young Pasifika male coming out as gay made him the nurse he is today. |
Dementia: Can we understand elder abuse better by understanding the effects of carer abuse?
A family carer describes the effect of the psychological abuse she suffered from a relative with dementia and worries that carers do not receive the support they need. |
Nursing scholarship helps student step into rainbow health with ‘joy’
A third-year Manawatū nursing student describes how a $2000 NZNO/NERF award helped him in his studies and aspiration to work in rainbow youth health, at a challenging time in his life. |
How can we fund the public health system we need?
A revamped fairer tax system is vital for the country to be able to afford the health system it needs. |
Navigating youth mental health
Mental health is a dynamic spectrum that ranges from a state of wellbeing, through mental distress, to mental disorder or illness. Consultations with young people (rangatahi) may be challenging due to the various presentations of mental health issues and the range of services and treatment options they may require. |
Antimicrobial stewardship: It’s time for collective action
In this webinar, Dr Sharon Gardiner and associate professor Matire Harwood discuss the importance of antimicrobial stewardship in New Zealand. |
Please send letters for publication to: [email protected]. We reserve the right to edit letters for sense and length, and will not publish letters that are libellous, incite racial, sexual or religious hatred or constitute personal attacks. Shorter letters (under 400 words) are preferred. Please include name, address, nursing qualifications and phone number. |
It’s cool to kōrero — October 2023
Kurī -- dog. |
Election 2023: As the timer resets, what do Māori think about health?
What do Māori people think about the key election issue of health? Reporter Joel Maxwell discovers cultural clashes, a need for financial support – and hope for the future. |
It’s cool to kōrero — September
Hōiho -- horse |
Neonatal transitional care unit a ‘rainbow in the rain’ for whānau
Whitinga ora pēpi is a neonatal transitional care unit where parents learn how to look after babies born prematurely, or with complex medical needs, before going home. |