November 2023

Navigating youth mental health

October 26, 2023

Mental health is a dynamic spectrum that ranges from a state of wellbeing, through mental distress, to mental disorder or illness. Consultations with young people (rangatahi) may be challenging due to the various presentations of mental health issues and the range of services and treatment options they may require.

Read more... Navigating youth mental health

November 2023

‘I won’t be silenced’ — Gisborne Hospital nurse whistleblower fears she is a target after disciplinary attempt

October 9, 2023

Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa–NZNO is taking legal action to support Gisborne Hospital ward 5 nurse Christine Warrander after hospital managers threatened her with disciplinary action over a social media post.

Read more... ‘I won’t be silenced’ — Gisborne Hospital nurse whistleblower fears she is a target after disciplinary attempt

October 2023

Minister’s diagnosis: Health system ‘in recovery’ but risk of relapse high without enough funding

September 26, 2023

In recovery — but facing relapse with any reversal of funding, was Minister of Health Ayesha Verrall’s “diagnosis” of the health system, at the recent Tōpūtanga Tapuhi o Kaitiaki Aotearoa — NZNO annual general meeting (AGM).

Read more... Minister’s diagnosis: Health system ‘in recovery’ but risk of relapse high without enough funding